
My husband was cheating on me with dancergirl,and he didn't keep promise that he won't contect her anymore?

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My husband was cheating on me with dancergirl,and he didn't keep promise that he won't contect her anymore?




  1. Well what do you look like?  If your hot enough maybe we can hook up and you can have your revenge on him.

  2. leave him. now. you shouldn't even still be with him because he cheated. it's going to take a lot in you to leave, but for your mental health and any trust in future relationships. leave. leave immediately.

  3. shoulda left him in the first place. kick his *** out

  4. he disrespected u, lied to u after u gave him the chance to restore the may be time to reevaluate just how much this man really means to u.personally it sounds like the beginning of the end of the marriage.he knows what this is doing and he continues to do it.  

  5. First of all if my husband cheated on me with who ever I would not forgive him, I would have left him no matter how much I love him or if we have a child together. Why would you let him treat you this way? You should leave him. It''s like they all say "Once a cheater always a cheater" and he'll never change no matter if how many times he promises you or if who's fault it was. Once someone cheats on their spouse, there's no going back. I get the feeling that you deserve a lot more than this, so why don't you just divorce him and find yourself someone else.

  6. Your husband is a cheat and a liar. Why are you surprised that his word should prove to be worthless? If you don't leave now after this you will be at least partially to blame for any new misbehavior because he's already proved completely faithless and you will have allowed his lying words to convince you to stay. Get a lawyer, protect your interests and move on to a happier life.

  7. Okay, so far that sounds right, if you say so...

    Well, what are you going to do? ...

  8. Leave him.

  9. Then leave him.

  10. file for a divorce and take everything

  11. Why are you still there?

    Cheaters, liars and abusive men never change!!!

  12. you knew he was cheating. And you believed he wouldn't see her anymore? Sorry honey once a cheater always a cheater! You'll never be able to trust him again. Been there done that.

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