
My husband was in the shower earlier and....?

by Guest65323  |  earlier

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I decided to strip down and join him! When I pulled back the shower curtain to get in, he just turned off the water! When I asked him why he did that, he repllied--"I'm finished!" Would you be upset by this?




  1. a little upset i guess, .. lol but that never happen to me he normally ask me to join him in the shower lol

  2. I have to say when I come on to my husband and he is not in the mood then he just does something gentle like move my hand away or gently turns around he can not say no to me.  I sometimes will ask why did you do that and he will tell me then he just is not horny.  I have to except that and it is ok.  

    However if he had acted like nothing had happen and walked away I would seriously wonder if something is bothering him.  It will not hurt to ask him.  A good marriage is built around communication don't be affraid to ask him for the truth if you are feeling something is wrong...  I don't think you would have asked this question if you did not feel a little upset about it...  Talk to him...

  3. Yes I would be upset but only because it wouldn't be normal behavior for my man. If it seems weird to you then you probably have a right to be a little upset...ask him.

  4. Newsflash:  Men are not mind-readers!  

  5. Yes.  I would have asked him why he wasn't into though also.

  6. Ouch that must of hurt> Sounds like the Honey Moons over> If that's you in the photo than he has issues and will louse you in time from lack of care>  

  7. yes i'd be upset and i can totally see my husband doing the same thing.  cant explain it though.   lol  

  8. Maybe, we don't have enough information..... Is the marriage great otherwise?  Were the kids home?  Do you have a small water heater.... LOL, but you know what I mean.

  9. i think i would feel rejected. would have rather heard him welcome me in there with him

  10. No.

    I would make sure he was finished if I were you.

  11. Heck, yes, I would be upset!  I mean, even if he wasn't in the mood, he could at least show some appreciation or something.  Or even a kiss or a hug or just *something*.  I mean, wouldn't it make you feel kind of "out-moded" or something if he did that?  If you were fresh newlyweds, would he have taken the chance?  Wouldn't he have at LEAST said something nice?

  12. Guys are simple creatures...he was probably thinking of in practical terms..he'd done its yours now! kinda thing.  Has he done anything else that suggests something is wrong?

  13. Aw, It's probably nothing to it, he most likely noticed those few extra pounds that you've put on lately.

  14. My husband and I have been married for 35 years and I can tell you that he would stay in that shower and soap me up even if he turned into a prune.

  15. it all depends on how long he was in the shower before you went to join him..

    if he was in there for a while then maybe he was afraid of the hot water running out..

    if he was in there a short time then i would question why he didnt want the company..

  16. I sure would have turned the water back on...I wonder if he may have just done himself in there and needed time to recover...:)))

  17. So he was in the shower after working all day, probably very tired and you showed him the same naked body that he's been looking at....................and you are surprised and upset that he might want to do something other than you?

  18. Yes I would be very upset. He could have stayed in longer so you could have some fun

  19. Yess!!!! If I had a husband

  20. Communication

    It is like the story of the couple drivng down the road, and the hubby asks his wife, Do you want to stop? Are you thirsty?

    She replies: No, I'm fine thanks.

    20 minutes later he is pissed at his wife,

    She says: What's the matter dear?

    He replies, I am thirsty and I really need to p**s, but you did not want to stop.

    He needed to say: Honey, I am stopping at the rest stop, I am thirsty and want to p**s, do you want or need anything?

    Therefore, No you should not be upset by him, but realize the next time, you must say, stay in the shower with me,


  21. My husband  not only would have stayed but he would jumped back in the shower even if he has already gotten out. But maybe he didn't know what your game was. Maybe he already "finished" himself. Maybe he has something he wanted to get done. Maybe he just wasn't in the mood. Did you ask him? Just don't mope around for 3 days not talking to him and then tell him it's because you got out of the shower. He probably had no idea. Just tell him your feelings were hurt.You'll be able to tell by his reaction if he was just unaware.

  22. coz he finished- what you don't understand,

    he cant have s*x straight after he wunked - gotto wait  

  23. If he's done a "solo job" he may have been a bit embarassed or just no longer in the mood.

    Next time, give him some warning - just a little, so he and "big Jim and the Twins" will be ready and waiting for you girls. Most solutions are pretty easy!

  24. you probably interrupted his "me" time... sometimes people just like to shower fast and alone.. next time just ask him if you can join... thats what we always do.. i like when he joins me but sometimes i am done so i just get out and he still gets in and showers alone

  25. Maybe he just didn't feel like it but i would be mad

  26. I live with this c**p from my wife - This guy is being an a__hole.  My god, any other response than that.  Unless, he was pulling the one eyed johnnie in the shower and was done for s*x for the day...

    A lot of guys m********e. Many will do so in the shower because of easy cleanup.  Maybe he just so uncomfortable by almost being caught he could not come up with a good answer for why he was not in the mood...

  27. Yea, I would be upset.  For so many reasons.  

    First, I'm not sure how long you have been married or if you have kids.  In the beginning, our man is always in the mood.  Everything is s**y, touching, turn on.  After time, more effort needs to be put it.  Especially if you are trying to keep the flame going, you put yourself out there.  How are yo supposed to feel after that?  It hurts!  Like he is not turned on anymore by your naked body, that is how I would feel.  

    Does he put forth effort, and when he does, how do you react?  My bet is you would try, and at least give him a little reinforcement and positive attention.

    I am sorry he hurt your feelings.  Next time you all are hot and heavy and he is about to "finish" you should pull away and reply "I'm finished"..:)

  28. I can see why you might be upset but, dont be. He probably meant nothing by it. Guys are just not wired the same way we are. Men are truly from another planet.

    Try jumping him when you guys go to bed tonight. Have fun!

  29. Maybe he just figured you were coming in for a shower and nothing else. He should have left the water on for you, though.

  30. he probably needed to go read the bible.

  31. I can't imagine it even happening.  Yep, I'd be pissed

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