
My husband was seeing a married woman (before we got together) and she fell preganant.?

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Baby was born but my husband's name was not put on birth certifictae. He has paid maintenance every month since baby was born. We live in N Ireland and baby lives in England making it quite difficult for him to see baby regularly. He has just paid for a DNA test because baby looks nothing like him and she was also seeing another man (just found out). What rights does he have? She has three children, doesn't work and was seeing my husband in her husband's house with two kids in the next room. She's never worked in her life! My husband and I have two children and struggle to pay the bills and pay for a child he doesn't even know is his. If he is the father, how does he get his name on birth certificate. Is it true that my wages are taken into account when CSA calculate how much he should pay?

Thanks for your help




  1. First, I'm just kinda wondering why you'd marry a man who was out having an affair with a married woman???? But anyway, your story is kind of confusing. Why had he been paying child support if he wasn't on the birth certificate and he had not had a DNA test done yet? That's odd.

    But back to the 'now', if he is the father, he needs to take her to court to fight for parental rights and have his name on the birth certificate. Then the court will decide how much he needs to pay on child support.

  2. I'm not sure how you would go about having his name put on the certificate.. There is no reason why your income should have anything to do with how much he has to pay in child support. I strongly suggest you find out if the baby is his or not as soon as possible. It sounds to me like this woman has gotten pregnant more than once just to grab a free ride without having to work to support herself & her children. Good luck to you guys!!

  3. I have a solution to all your problems! Learn to spell pregnant

  4. It sounds like you are making excuses. If the woman doesn't work that is her perogative. Child support in no way is enough for someone to live off of and take care of 3 children. You seem to forget, your husband lied with her and made this child. It was a big mistake on his part, a beautiful child came from this mistake You need to keep in mind that this is a child. You and your hub should do anything in your power to be in this childs life. You should call and write often if you can't see the child. When the child comes of age, it will want to know its father. As a wife it is your responsibility to be supportive, even the mistakes.

  5. We're in the U.S., but normally if the DNA or a paternity test shows that he is not the father he would stop paying.  He needs to go to court if the child is his and request visitation rights, have the courts calculate money, birth certificate correction, etc.  I would also go to court if the baby is not his because I would try to recoup the money that has been paid out. Please make sure you have a copy of the paternity test and that it is accurate before going to court.  If it is his, he has to take care of the child.  Her working status has nothing to do with child support.  Good luck!

  6. Hi Donna,

    I suggest to stop paying until she does the DNA test and see if she has any legal grounds to continue.

    If hubby's name is not on the certificate, how can she legally say the child is his without going for the DNA test?

    For all you know she may be receiving several payments from several possible fathers.

    If she brings the CSA (whatever that is) into it, call her bluff and ask for custody of the child ...

  7. You honestly, don't need to be with him because would if he do the same to you?

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