
My husband watches the tour de france for hours what should i do????

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My husband watches the tour de france for hours what should i do????




  1. Quit your complaining and sit your A$$ down and watch it with him!!!  This is the only time of the year (3 fricken weeks for gods sake) that you can watch pro cycling on TV for more than a 1/2 hour of highlights!!!  If you watch it too you will understand the attraction.  Our house shuts down on the weekends from 7am till noon when the live coverage ends, then we ride for another 3 or 4 and at 7pm watch the same stage again just to hear Bob Rolls commentary!!!

  2. Leave him be.  I mean he has to put up with you all the time so give the guy a break.  Stop being a nag.

  3. Maybe he's into cycling. Let him watch it.

    What if a marathon of your favorite show came on and you wanted to watch it? I am sure he might be irritated, but he would have to deal also.

    But if it irritates you that much, come to a conclusion find something you both will watch and tell him that you can turn the channel on commercials.

  4. let him watch it. there are only a couple full cycliing races televised, not to mention that the tour de france is the biggest most important. to some, it is boring, to others, exciting. let him be this wonderful sporting event comes only once a year.

  5. 1. You should get him some munchies.

    2. Bring dinner to him when it's appropriate.

    3. Deliver beer or other drinks of his choice to him.

    4. Ask if rubbing his feet would be OK. (keep your head out of the way of the TV)

    5. Do his chores for him so he won't miss anything.

    6. Take all phone messages, deliver them on commercial time.

    7. Bring him a change of clothes as needed.

    8. Massage his back or perform other acts of kindness to make him happy and comforatble while watching the tour.

    Oh yes, and don't talk.

  6. Be glad that it isn't a p**n channel.

  7. Since you have spare time as you aren't watching the TDF why not clean the house, lose some weight, take some classes, pluck your uni-brow, make dinner, work on the car etc.

    Honestly there's so much you can do, I'm not sure why you would need to ask.

  8. One of the greatest sports event in the world.

    I would suggest you watch it with him.  Once you learn how the race develops and how team work is so crucial, you too will be watching it for hours.

  9. You could ask him what he likes about it, and try to get into it with him.  You could buy some s**y tight riding clothes and strut by.  You could go get yourself a sweet road bike and ride while he vegetates, and say you're going to do some laps with "pierre".

  10. 1) Go to bike shop together

    2) Buy bikes together

    3) Ride bikes together

    4) After a few weeks of riding, begin accepting compliments from friends and family on losing weight, looking healthier, etc.

  11. turn the t.v off and YELL at HIM and if that doesn't work killl him

  12. I used to be in your situation with my boyfriend, so I understand exactly where you're coming from.  

    Not knowing anything about the sport I thought it was so booor-ing.  But my boyfriend was so into it he convinced me to watch some of it with him.  I was pretty reluctant at first, but decided that since it would make him happy I'd do it.  

    The first stage we watched together was an epic mountain stage.  Oh my gosh!  I didn't understand everything that was going on, but it was sooooo exciting anyway!  Afterward my boyfriend explained about all the strategies, and team work that go into cycle racing.... and the rivalries between teams and riders, etc.  The next time we watched I understood a bit better what was going on and loved it even more.  I couldn't get enough!  

    Now I'm totally hooked on the sport and watch every race I can.... even without my boyfriend.  LOL! I'm so hooked I even watch live race coverage on the web (via so I don't miss any of it while I'm at work.

    Anyway, to get back to your question, I strongly recommend you check it out yourself.  (There are some big mountain stages coming up.)   You'll make your husband happy, and you just might love it yourself.  


  13. Break the TV

    It's for the better!!

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