
My husband went awol and i didn't know he was going to. do i still get BAH and tricare?

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im pregnant and i have NO IDEA where hes at or that he was even leaving. do i still recieve my benefits? i live in another state he sent me here when i found out that he cheated on me and got another woman pregnant so we could take a beak i think hes with her. what do i do?




  1. I don't know when it stops if he is AWOL. I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, that is so sad. But if you are pregnant and you are not being covered any longer by Tricare because of him going AWOL, then your next option would be to go to seek public aide. I know welfare and medi-cal are not ideal for some people but this is an honest situation where this resource would be really helpful for you. Medi-Cal should cover your pregnancy if you are no longer being covered by Tricare and unable to get your own insurance. Good luck hun.  

  2. Yes and no. How long has he been gone? His pay will be frozen but it does take a few days to weeks to "turn it off". You need to contact his command immediately and let them know the situation you are in.  

  3. Contact his chain of command and tell them your story. They will assist you in any way they can. Also try his units family readiness group.

  4. sounds like you have been thrown away, enjoy the baby.

  5. What do you do?  Don't marry deadbeat losers.

    Your hubby has really messed up.  If you know where he is, tell him to go back.  The sooner, the better.

  6. Contact his command and the family support center immediately.  If you know who or where the other woman is, I would give them that information.  Next, talk to base legal.  You need to file for legal seperation immediately.  Sadly, there is probably no way to keep your health or housing benefits...these are based solely on the active duty member and, like with any other job, now that he has "quit" you are no longer eligable.  Contact public aide in your should be able to qualify for health care through them, WIC for your baby and possibly other programs.  Use that to help you get taken care of and to help you while you figure out your next step..which should be a divorce.

  7. My guess is that you should.

    I mean...if you're still with him, you should still get Tricare.

    My pop did the same two years ago. And we still recieved Tricare.

    So...yeah. (I'm 14 so yeah.)

  8. you need to be really careful about that because the military can and will decide that they want their money back from you and they will go into your account and take it has happend before.  I would seek legal advice through JAG imediately on this issue so you do not get introubl for your husbands bad decisions  if you think you know where he is you need to call his comand right away that way you do not get introuble for coperating

    there is a ouote that says if you know something is wrong and you could have helped but you didnt than you are coperating with it do what is right

  9. No, you don't. Sad, huh? If he's AWOL, after the 10th day the money stops. After the 31st day, everything stops. If you think you know where he is, call his command and tell them.

  10. No that stops immediately

  11. If he doesn't recieve benefits, you dont recieve benefits. AWOL is one of those Dishonorable Discharge and jail time thingys (to put it lighty). I'm sorry you have to go through this, he would have recieve punishment for adultry as well. I hope they find him 30 after so they can charge him for being a desserter. You will have benefits for a matter of days and then its gone. Find your-self a real man and call his chain of command immediatly, he needs to go down.

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