
My husband went to basice/depression ??

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my husband left for basice last weds,and i was wondering how long would it be till he can write me? and how can i keep my self from doing in to depression but it feels like im going in to depression.due to being lonely (no one to talk to).i have for kids all 4 and younger...i cant go anywhere due to i dont have any one to helf me ..what are things /ideas i can do at home ??





    This is a good site where you can join a support group and have all your questions answered.

    Good Luck and Stay Strong!

  2. Whatever you do, you need to figure out how to survive by yourself. Your husband will be gone a lot and you can't put yourself (or your kids) through this every time he leaves. The trick is, keep yourself busy..with 4 kids, that won't be hard at all. I have 2 and they run me ragged with my husband being deployed. Once you guys get to your permanent duty station, there will be all sorts of programs on post to get you out of the house and meet people. YOu need to get involved in playgroups/mommy & me. Just don't sit in the house being miserable. That is no good for anyone.

  3. When i was in Basic Training, one of the guys got a letter from his wife saying that he had to come home right now or she was going to go crazy being without him.  He left that night.  It took him 2 days to hitchhike home.  He got to see her for 2 minutes.  The Military Police had the house staked out.  he was back with us the next day.

    THis is a time for you to be brave.  As brave as a soldier is.  You, also , are doing it for your country. /

  4. First of all YOU are the main and only support system your husband has while he's gone, you have the kids to keep you busy and occupied.

    For him...write, call if you can, write,,send care packages(you know what he likes, cookies, pictures the kids draw etc.

    For you, remember you aren't the only wife with a hubby serving away from home. Locate other wives in similar situation and get together as a support group.

    Once you get your feet on the ground the time will pass swiftly. If you want his career to flourish as well as your marriage you MUST get your act together. If he comes back full of excitment about going to a new base and really getting started in his military time and you are totally negative you are going to have major problems.

    Don't be hesitant about seeking help from family services. If there's a base anywhere near you call them, they are more than willing and able to help you!!

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