
My husband will have a wisdom tooth removed next week, and I need some suggestions about what to feed him ...

by Guest66994  |  earlier

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... since he's not fond of sweets (lucky him), so ice cream and Jell-O and pudding are out. Since hot liquids are verboten for a couple of days, that leaves out coffee, hot tea, and hot soup. The most tragic part that he will be denied his favorite cold beverage (beer) for two days. So that leaves ... cold tea and soups, fruit smoothies, and yogurt. Does anyone have any other cool, mushy, yummy suggestions?




  1. I remember after going 2 days with jello and pudding, pintos and cheese and mashed potatoes was nice.  I guess they could be served cold.  

  2. Scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, jello, ice cream, broth, soup and of course his pain meds.  Good Luck.

  3. I had four removed alll at the same time.  What's wrong with that excellent grain beverage  Follow advice about ice, Limit beer to one keg per day.

  4. I hope a few of these ideas can help you ... after I had my wisdom teeth removed, I got tired of just pudding and the sweet stuff. I need more substance! I had macaroni and cheese, cottage cheese, Hamburger Helper's are soft and don't taste too bad, apple and cranberry sauce, creamed corn, meatloaf, orange juice or just about any kind of juice, scrambled, poached or fried eggs, mashed potatoes, just to name a few. I hope this helps!

  5. I know they tell you not to drink through a straw but I always did it anyways... So he can have beer and soup (broth) and things like that through a straw! Mashed potatoes really is a good idea.. you should try garlic whipped potatoes. Also, some soups, espcially chicken broth soups taste cool when they're a little cooled down.

    Apple sauce is pretty much a neccessity. Scrambled eggs could be done too if you make them in tiny pieces. Freezies are also good.. I would definetly go for a fruit smoothie if I had to eat liquidy foods.

    My dad got his wisdom teeth out a few months ago and I remember he ate alot of things right away, he was just REALLY careful and chewed on the other side... I think he actually had hard tacos that night. And chips.

    A pasta could be good too, especially if it was a fresh pasta (softer) with a thin sauce that was cooked well..

  6. I had all 4 of mine taken out at once but I had good pain killers.  After, I ate a Mcdonalds cheeseburger, they are soft and easy to chew with your front teeth.

    The next time I was hungry, I had slept for about 24 hours, my wife made some scrambled eggs.  Then I just ate soup for about 5-6 more days....

    I don't think you need to worry too much about making anything yummy because his mouth will taste like S@#t for a few days from the extraction.

    Good luck!!!

  7. Mashed Potatoes... um cold gravy?? lol um... macaroni and cheese.. some baby food actually tastes really good, like tutti fruity and hawaiian delight... um maybe oatmeal, pop sicles, um,,, idk what else but i hope this helps!!!

  8. Hi,

    Im fifteen years old and I had mine out last year.

    For about a week I was in a lot of pain so my pain meds sure did help.

    Myself being Italian I ate a plethora amount of pasta since it was easy and soft to chew and swallow.  Also mashed potatoes, jello and ice cream are always good as well.  

  9. Pre Wisdom Teeth advice:

    Ive heard that if you eat FRESH pineapple the night before that it reduces swelling--also if he does get swelling give him wet tea bags to put in his mouth, that takes the swelling away!

    other than that--maybe mashed potatoes cooled.  

  10. My husband just had 7 teeth pulled yesterday and he is eating yogurt, cottage cheese, smoothies, instant mashed potatoes, etc. Iced coffee is a good idea, but NO STRAW until his mouth heals.

    Hi, I just wanted to add that for dinner tonight I had put a pork loin in the crockpot and it was so tender it was falling apart. My husband was able to eat that even though he just had his teeth pulled yesterday. We also had mashed potatoes & gravy and green beans. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled my dentist never told me not to drink hot liquids, but just to make sure not to use a straw.

  11. Lots of pain pills!

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