
My husband wont have s*x with me ?

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we have been togeather over a year i am 38 weeks pregnant we have had problems about s*x before i got pregnant everytime i try and talk to him about it he trys to make me feel bad i know its not just me i think you need s*x in a relationship and he has been told by the doctors it wont hurt anything for us to have s*x while pregnant seems to me he just trys to make excuses it hurts my feeling because i dont look anything like any of his old girl friends i dont think he is cheating ive have been there before with my ex husband and he really doesnt have the time i know he loves me and he is good to me but this is becoming an issue for me am i wrong? what do i do?




  1. Why are you sounding so bad? You should be happy that your husband is refraining from having s*x in pregrancy.

    You can tell him that you are glad that he is taking precaution  and so caring because of your lil world that will be in world soon.You can go in for oral s*x if he want.

    Don't get upset and help him rather go for oral pleasure.

    Not everyone can afford to have s*x during pregrancy.

    chill and enjoy your pregrancy as love life of you and your husband are now coming as a life.

  2. It's difficult but stop being sorry for yourself and put on a s**y and cheerful outlook. Try thanking him for being cautious with the baby. Show love and cuddle with him. See if your niceness and closeness does not turn him on.  You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Remember that in all situations.

  3. You are 38 weeks pregnant and you actually want to have s*x?!?!?  Geez, girl....give him a break for a few weeks until that baby comes...he may be seriously afraid of hurting you or the baby.  At 38 weeks pregnant I'd have slapped my husband if he had even thought about s*x!!!

  4. I'm sorry.  I don't think you're wrong to feel the way you do.  Don't compare yourself to his exes.  I think you need to go to couples therapy and he may need some individual sessions to get to the root of his issue.  I know you're probably feeling not so great about yourself right now, but it really isn't you.  Maybe he has a mental block?  Maybe he's just not that sexual?  I'm not sure but again I would definately seek professional help and don't be so down on yourself.

  5. All you can do is keep the lines of communication open.

  6. First learn to use punctuation, so we can make sense out of your question. You sound manic and it's probably freaking him out. Take some responsibility for your pregnancy issues and make sure you have birth control available and maybe back off this guy for awhile.He could be having a hard time adjusting to becoming a parent. Maybe by some baby books and refocus your energy on something more positive right now. s*x will happen when both people feel ready.

  7. He is bored, Tired, or cant get it up! He don't have time to cheat so I'd say he is very very tired! He loves you or he wouldn't marry you. His ex's are ex's and looks don't matter! I am sure he knows your more beautiful than them! His ex's were in the past and he married you. You may need counseling!

    Congratulations on your baby! I hope things get better in the s*x area of your relationship!  

  8. If you don't have s*x while you are pregnant that d**n baby will stay in there forever!

  9. No. You aren't wrong for feeling rejected, but take into consideration several factors. First off, you are very pregnant and some men, including my husband, feel weird having s*x so late in the pregnancy. Secondly, he my be feeling overwhelmed at work, at home, with the new expected child...etc. These things can make a man less interested in being intimate. Believe it or not, emotions and worry can make a man impotent. Maybe try to take control. Sometimes when it's been a few days for us, I just start the foreplay and then take it. Hey! I figure it's mine and if I want it, I take it! Try that and see if you can bring him around. (smile)

  10. no you're not wrong... some men are different..when i was pregnat my hus still wanted to have s*x. that does not mean all men are like that... my friend's hus would not even touch he when she was pregant ..don't worry too much.. everything will be ok.  after the baby is born he'll be all over you... for real  . hope this helps stay blessed.

  11. sometimes pregnancy cause us to get sensitive for something that maybe was there already, sometimes we get alert, or irritable or making big issues of nothing. just hang on , when you have your baby show your man all what he was missing and believe me their wont be a second time.

  12. These issues with s*x should of been dealt with prior to marriage and prior to baby bc they'll just fester and boil over.

    You need to talk with him, open up to him and get him to do the same it's detrimental to the relationship to have open and honest communication.

    His shutting you out is immature and not helping and he needs to be more giving to your needs.

  13. Some men have issues with sleeping with pregnant women, and at the stage in your pregnancy that you are at s*x could induce labor.  Just give it a few more weeks and then start putting the moves on him again.

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