
My husbands 25 year old daughter wants him to break up with me. or he cant see the grandkids any more. ?

by  |  earlier

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She don't like me and always starts things, he wants me to back down like always.. His friends thinks she is wrong i have not done a thing.. what do i do, i love the kids and my husband




  1. That is the most horrible thing his daughter can do to her father and

    you.  She is jealous of you, period  

    Hopefully, you can make your husband just really think about the

    threat she has posed to him. He married you and is in love with

    you, and should make that clear to his daughter.

    Besides if she does not let him see the grand kids, he could go to

    court and get visitation rights.

    Your husband has to open up his eyes and see what she is doing.

    Maybe your husband/her Dad, has property, money, something....

    that she wants, and thinks she will not be able to have while you

    both are married?   Or just plainly goes not want to see him with

    another wife other than her mother.

    Whatever the reason is, It is wrong, wrong, wrong!

    You both deserve to be happy also.

    Have your husband with you sit down and talk to that selfish girl.

    Truly hope it works out. He has to stand his ground with you.

  2. Try not to be around her. Are u the same age or close to her age, that could be a reason why she mite not like u. Any way u should speak to ur husband and tell him u dont appreciate it and that ur husband needs to speak to his daughter and tell her that if she loves her dad she needs to be respectful of his wife. Anyway his daughter shouldnt be giving him ultimatums especially bout his grandkids.  

  3. Well, she sounds like a real b!*tch with those threats--I hope for u, ur husband takes your side!

  4. parents teach their children how to be when they grow up. so it is to bad that she was taught to be selfish and wont change, silly game only keeps going as long as you play. too bad really, there is always enough to share.

  5. He has Grandparent's rights...he should seek a lawyer.  

  6. Decide if you want to live with a man who is willing to be "blackmailed"

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