
My husbands in jail and I will be homeless with a seven year old in 30 days. Where do I turn for help?

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My husbands in jail and I will be homeless with a seven year old in 30 days. Where do I turn for help?




  1. Try your local department of social services. They will be able to help with shelter and food assistance.

  2. Hi, If you're in the UK then go to your local council,they will give you temporary accommadation,then after 28 days,they have to house you! Good luck....

  3. Find child care and get a job.  In other words, help yourself.  You also might want to check into getting birth control so you don't end up with two kids.

  4. check with the salavation army, churches, look for social workers as well

    good luck

  5. You should tell us what country you are in, if it's USA I don't know, if it's the UK you should go to your local authority and they will put you on emergency accommodation. Go on you local authority website and call the number provided, here is an example of the one for my City

  6. Trust and ask God. He will be there for you.

  7. try mother and child care  ... or ask a someone in a church.. even tho you might not go to church..

  8. If in England, I would have thought Social Services, but  don`t despair, someone will give you advice on Yahoo answers. I`m sorry your in that predicament, but believe me things will get better, be strong for your little boy. Good Luck.

  9. parents? relatives? friends?

    im sorry to hear about this!

  10. Phone book or online, find the local Catholic Charities for your area.  They can assist you with everything.

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