
My husbands won't let the chickens out of their bin!?

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My husband put the chicks when they were little in this bin so they would be protected from the dog but now I think they are big enough to walk around the yard and they should be okay but he still hasn't let them out and I don't like to see them couped up. What should I do?




  1. girl, keep on asking to your husband to let the chicks out from the bin. don't take action without his consent otherwise he might get mad at you.

  2. are you serious? i'm sorry but that made me laugh. just let the chickens out yourself.

  3. You should have an affair.  That will teach him!

  4. Ask your husband politely to let them out. If he says no, lock yourself into the bathroom and tell him that you don't want more space for yourself than the poor chicken have.

  5. Does this question really belong in this section?

  6. Show some back bone and compassion - let them go!

  7. Turn them aloose yourself, and if he asked how they got out, say you thought they needed some exercise

  8. Put the husband in the bin then put the dogs up.And set them free.

  9. Let them out or talk your husband into building a larger area for them to run around in.

  10. Let them out and see if the dog eats them?

  11. let them out

  12. Since you posted it here. Divorce him. Guess that was what you were asking.

  13. wow, isn't that illegal to have more than one husband. I would just let them out and show them they will be ok.

  14. Let the Chickens out...what is he self reliant on chickens?

  15. mmmmm.....chicken....

  16. there's no such thing as a chicken too big to be attacked by dogs. lol, they're also a bizarre natural paired enemy.

  17. It depends on the nature of the dog. Some dogs will obviously want to eat the chickens, or just kill them. This is true of most hunting breeds. The best idea is to set up a pen large enough to allow the chickens some free space. Put the dog on a leash and lead it past the pen several time over the course of a few days. The dogs reaction will tell you if the chickens will be safe if the pen is removed.

  18. sounds like the chicks are ready for a sprinkle of seasoning, flour, and hot cooking oil ...A lil hot sauce and BAM!

  19. How's your s*x life with your husband?

    I've been thinking of doing something similar to the chicken cooping.  My wife refuses to initiate s*x, or tell me why she won't or what's wrong.  This has been going on for 12 years.  I'm so upset that I'm going crazy.  I have considered buying some animals at the pet store and locking them in a clear see-through cage without any food, then telling my kids (in front of my wife) hey kids, look this is just like what mommy is doing to me!  Let's take the one thing the animal wants most of all and NOT give it to them, then we'll watch every day to see how he feels, and what happens.

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