
My husbans is being irresponsible. What to do?

by  |  earlier

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My husband works for a company that repairs crawl doors and does gutter cleanings amongst many things.

On the side, he is trying to start his own handy-man business. We have not yet profitted from this 'business' and that is why I am forcing him to keep his primary job that pays well and gives us very much needed benefits!

I'm afraid he's putting himself in a dangerous situatuion because he is taking business from the main comany he works for by doing gutter cleanings and crawl doors. I know this must be illegal somehow. Not to mention he doesn't have insurance!

He insist's it's ok because HE doesnt actually do the crawldoors and gutters, his friend does which means he is NOT infringing on the NDA agreement.

Is he right or should I expect him to be fired sometime in the near future?




  1. You should expect him to be fired in the near future. Reason why; If anything goes wrong with any one of his freelance job - a situation that can not be resolved. The first person the customer is going to call to complain is his current company and employer. The worst thing you can do is "steal" company customers. And word gets around! If he gets fired for stealing customers, no other similar firm will hire him. If he wants to freelance DO NOT steal company customers. That is why they have None Compete Agreements.  

  2. It's only illegal if he signed a contract with them when he was hired stating that he wouldn't do this. To be honest though, once his company finds out that he is freelancing and doing the exact same thing, they'll fire him. If his friend is working for him or they are working together, he is infringing.

    I would advise your hubby to move outside the current area of his employer's business to freelance.

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