
My iPod touch does this everytime I sync...

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I hook up my iPod just to download maybe 5 more songs onto it, my iPod touch always takes anywhere between 2 min. and 10 min. to back it up. It says " Backing Up "iPod"... " and usually takes around 5 min. to do!

I don't know if it's supposed to do that, but with my iPod nano, it doesn't.... I just want to be able to put a few more songs on my iPod in like, a minute or two, but it takes almost 10 because of the backing up thing...

Please help, and thanks in advance ;].




  1. You can tell it to not auto backup in the settings tab. It could be named preferences or options though. I don't have my computer right in front of me.

  2. I Think it is an option, if you go to the options in itunes or your ipod I think there is a button that says backing up on - off.

  3. Well im not sure if you can turn this function off, but it can be useful. as it says, it backs up what is on your iPod so if you ever need to restore it, itunes can refer to this backed up version and replace everything that was on your ipod when you last synced.

    also i dont find it that much of a problem, just let it do its thing. and its very useful, when you need to restore, so you dont have to manually do everything again, which can be annoying.

    so it is a useful feature at times, but whenever else, how much can those few minutes hurt?

    hope i helped remotely!


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