
My identical twin looks nothing like me, could there have ?

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been some kind of ghastly mistake. ?




  1. how in the name of god is your identical twin identical if you look nothing lijke them get a life for god sake

  2. Thank god he doesn't! He got the good end of the stick! Your tore up!

  3. please go get a DNA test

  4. Is your mother Joan Crawford?

  5. absolutely.

  6. judging by your avatar... thank god...

  7. So if it's an identical twin how could it be identical?

  8. then hes not ur identical twin is he?technically that term is wrong its mirror image twin but hey wot the h**l!if ur definitly related then ur wot is known as a fraternal twin - this is where 2 eggs r released by a womans ovary and r fertilized by 2 different sperm, im a fraternal twin, i no these things

  9. Adam so nice to see you....I have meet your doppelganger....the only difference is he "Don't drink and don't smoke".....he is a goody-two-shoes :-P

  10. Maybe he was just wading in the deeper end of the gene pool as opposed to the shallow end you went wading in? LOL I'm just joking.

    Look if you two don't look alike your not identical! Obviously fraternal or hey maybe someone at the hospital wanted your "real" brother because he was so cute so they switched babies.

  11. Maybe your "identical" twin is a fraternal twin. Or it could be that you don't see the resemblance that everyone else does. Ask to have a DNA test done

  12. A very close friend has identical twins...they even shared a placenta...but one has a congenital deformity and the other doesn't.  Identical does not mean what people think it means.

  13. maybe your mum released 2 eggs at a time and 2 of your dads sperms fertilised them so u would get twins that are'nt identical

  14. You can't be serious.  If he looks nothing like you then he is not your identical twin.  Maybe he is your fraternal twin.   An identical twin is identical because when your mom was pregnant one of her eggs divided/split and became two.  A fraternal twin is when your mom became pregnant with two separate eggs.  So being fraternal you would not look identical.  You would just have a few features that are the same.  Just like any brother or sister that are 5 years apart would have.

  15. I know what you mean.  I'm left-handed, which apparently means I ate my imaginary twin in vitro and now have to feel the imaginary loss forever.  Waaaaaaah!!

  16. Maybe your twin had a face lift.

  17. ohh god your so funny!!!

  18. There there, it will be okay. Open wide and say "Aaaaahh."  

    Oh, I guess maybe you already are. Or is that "Aaiiiiieee!" Or "Heeyaaw!"

  19. I know what you mean - my identical twin looks nothing like me either and is male and three years older. It's weird I tell you, just weird.

  20. Identical means you came from the same "egg" and it split.  Probably two eggs were fertilised and you are simply twins - as opposed to identical twins.

  21. Maybe your "identical" twin is a fraternal twin.  Or it could be that you don't see the resemblance that everyone else does.  I have twin neighbor girls that as little girls they looked exactly alike and as they got older they started looking a lot different.  If he looks NOTHING at all like you then maybe there was a mistake but highly unlikely I think.

  22. be serious obviously he isn't your identical twin if he doesn't look like you so why the question

  23. Maybe his adopted and is lucky in that since.

  24. Doesn't appear that he is identical.  My twin brother and I are exactly alike.  As children we would open colouring books to same page and start with same colours.  Believe me it is most frustrating to be identical as all your lives people make comparisons. We are now 69. When someone learns something new about me they ask what my twin is doing to see if it is the same. If one of us left a room and other one came in with same clothes on you would not know the difference.  I once went to his barracks and sat on his bed waiting for him and his room mates were talking to me as if I were he.  By the way,just had a thought, maybe he thinks you are the ghastly mistake!!!!! Good luck

  25. perhaps you have thje same problem as me.

    One in 5 people in the world are Chinese.

    its not me, my mum or dad, i am dont think its my brother, Wan Tun Foo, i think its my other brother, Dave

  26. possible

    regards x kitti x

  27. get a dna test.... maybe its you who doesnt look like him?

  28. It may be ghastly for you, but judging by your picture it's probably most fortunate for your twin.

  29. You can request a DNA Test called a Twin Zygosity test between you two that will tell if your DNA matches or not. You could actually be fraternal twins too, not identical, but you can only tell this for sure by getting a DNA Test.

    You can go to if you want more info on this.

    Good luck to you!

  30. Dude...

    Please go there..

  31. It may have been heteropaternal superfecundation.  It's rare, but it does occur in humans.  Of course, you are fraternal twins if this is the case.


    Laurel, you're a riot! ROTFLMAO!  Dory, too!

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