
My idiot of a co-worker thinks that when it rains in the desert, it doesn't pour. Is he right or wrong?

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My idiot of a co-worker thinks that when it rains in the desert, it doesn't pour. Is he right or wrong?




  1. He's right.  Ever been to frozen Siberia.  It never ever rains.  It snows on occasion.  But only a little bit.

  2. Well... it depends on the weather. I could pour, or it could drizzle. Most of the time though it pours.

  3. It pours. Not all the time. It's like every other place. That's why there's always MASSIVE flooding in the southwest.

  4. Has he never been to Las Vegas?

  5. Depends on where in the world you are.  The Antarctic is classed as a desert because it receives less than 25mm of rain a year, and when it rains there it doesn't pour, it just freezes.  But in the outback of Australia, it can rain so heavily at times that ruts in the countryside turn into small rivers.

  6. he's wrong. when it rains which is like one week a year it pours like fudge.

  7. the rain isnt very frequent in the desert, but when it does haappen it mostly pours. That is why the area is so prone to flash floods, bc it rains so fast and hard the water cant seep into the ground quick enough, so always camp out in the desert on a mound or hill.

  8. pour

  9. wrong

  10. He's wrong. Deserts like the Southwest have monsoon seasons and when it's a wet monsoon it can pour which can cause severe flash flooding. But it's not just monsoon season, it can happen anytime of the year in any desert.

  11. I've lived in a desert most of my life....when it does rain, it often POURS!  That's why we have floods!  Some times there are gentle soaking rains, but those are more rare.  Really a desert is classified by how much rain in inches you get in a year (better yet, how much precipitation, a desert can get nearly all of it's annual rainfall in the form of snow).  How hard it comes down or how often it comes down is of little relavence to the classification, so in my case, rain is infrequent, but heavy.

  12. your co-worker is an idiot and wrong.

  13. Wrong... your co-worker is seriously retarded and should be happy he even has a job. Don't ever show this to your boss because he will probably get fired for being such a moron...

    GL =)

  14. although deserts are often completely dry for several years, many centimetres of rain may fall in a few hours during one freak storm.

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