
My idiot sister says that an electric guitar is harder to play then an acoustic guitar?

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she says "you have to press harder and strum harder.."

I say " why would you do that when you have an amplifier?"

She says "You have to if you want to "rock"".....

So come on people, show her how stupid she's being....

Which is harder to play?

an electric or acoustic guitar?




  1. an electric guitar is always easier to play as the strings are pretty much closer to the fretboard and furthermore ya have pick-ups which is like a mic,so sound is transmitted through the pick-ups into an amplifier,and electric strings are far more thinner than of those of a acoustic,of course guitar strings come in sizes but the tension is way different,the higher ya tune more finger tension is needed,lower the tune,vice versa..but i would recommend any novice guitarist to get used to playin an acoustic guitar to train finger leverage,finger strength,so it would be less strain when ya play an electric guitar...hope this helped..happy playin

  2. Sorry to tell you, she's right! An acoustic is much easier. I learned this from my own experence.

  3. Im my opiion, acoustic is harder. It stings my fingers if i play for over and hour, because i'm pressing down so much harder. And there's no difference in the strumming, really. But with the electric there are the pickups which can sometmes get in the way when you're playing, but really, the electric is alot easier.

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