
My ignoring me for telling her my opinion....?

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My mom was getting annoyed because my 2 year old brother kept walking away in Stop&Shop. Instead of teaching him or putting him in the cart, she decided to get all the kids that could walk a harness. She got it for my 2, 4, and 6 year old siblings. I think she is kind of fusterated because a lot of scary things have happened (16 year old cousin pregnant then miscarriage and 9 year old sister had a seizure). I told her that maybe we should get one of those ring ropes where they can all hang on and walk. She said "Since I know how easy it is to be a mom, then I can do it!". She bought the ring rope, she is leaving me to do it for the past 6 hours. I have fed them dinner, put them to bed, gave them a bath, done the house chores. I'm used to it, but usually my mom is doing something too. Now she just sits there watching TV. What should I do?




  1. Here's the reality for ya sister. A lot of us girls who have younger sibs/kids who they spend a lot of time around end up taking care of everything. I can't tell you how many baths, diaper changes, dinners, dishes, loads of laundry, and potty training experiences I've had. Suck it up, you aren't alone and I'm done hearing your whining. If your mom is stressed out, you better believe that she is going to snap at you.

    Now bring on the thumbs down!

  2. tell her to stop acting like she is one of the children and take her parenting position back. If your mom was teaching her snildren to mind her then she wouldnt  be having such trouble.

  3. Wow, what is her problem? Your siblings aren't yours to deal with. As a mom, they are her responsibility. Tell her you are done, hand her the ring rope and go to your room. She need to step up as a parent otherwise you will miss out on your own childhood and life while taking care of the kids.

  4. Tell her that she shouldn't be so parinoid and its okey and that she could be the mom again!

  5. Its nice for you to be able to help out because 5 children is a lot.  As the oldest you would be the most capable of helping your mom but its not to say that you should be the only one.  The nine year old can help feed the two year old.  The four year old should be eating on his/her own.  13,9 and 6 year olds can bathes themself.  Mommy should be doing the bathing instead of watching television for the two year old.  Have the six year old read a bedtime story to the four year old they should be able to go to bed on their own.  With the two year old you or nine year old can help your mom read a bedtime story and be out of the room while your mom does the (nightly) house chores.  At two years old they should be able to sleep on their own no need to stay in the room any longer than the story time.  

    By helping your siblings be self sufficient your mom will be less tense a person and you will have less to help out with.

  6. Sorry to have to tell you this but freedom of speech isnt granted to children. Actually the bill of rights doesnt include children at all. It only encompasses the rights of "free men" or in the legal sense legal adults. But your mom over reacted in a very big way. She needs to stop acting like a 2 yr old and start doing her job as a parent.

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