
My iguana seems depressed. what can i do

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i have two iguanas. one of them is really active, but the other is always laying in this one corner. they have just been moved into a really big cage. they were in a small cage and i wouldd let them out in my bedroom. the one is always active, but lizzy, the other one, is always just laying around and will never pay attention to anything. is something the matter, what can i do to make her happy. i dout that she is sick cause she has always been sort of depressed. what can i do to make her happy.




  1. Reptiles do not suffer from depression. This is a human condition. Reptiles brains are not complex enough to feel things like depression. If your iguana is just laying around like you say, I would take it to a vet for a fecal exam to look for parasites.

  2. Madsnake, that is foolish to say that depression is a "human condition" when its very obvious that many animals do suffer from sadness when their needs are not met.  In fact vets will prescribe cats & dogs Valium to treat depression.  I suppose its easy to dismiss the emotional makeup of animals since they are supposedly "simple" and we are "complex."  Well guess what, we're cut from the same cloth animals are!  I have personally seen broken hearted "simple" iguanas and nothing will ever make me believe otherwise that these animals feel happiness (evidenced by certain color changes) and also sadness.  I'm pretty sure most serious iguana owners will feel the same way.

    Anyway, in answer to the question, it seems like you probably just have a lethargic iguana.  It is also very likely that Izzy is not the dominant iguana - that is, she is submissive and feels like she's in the other iguana's territory.  Also, females are known to be less adventurous/playful than males.  When you start to worry is when the iguana stops eating, then you have a problem.

  3. My best answer is that all Iguanas have different personalities. I've had about 4 in my life time. They all have had different "Normal" moods. If one is more active and the other is not the best thing to do is interact with Lizzy more than the other. Make her feel right at home.  

  4. I would take her outside for a walk or give her a nice warm bath. They don't really like routines and if they do something different then they will be interested.

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