
My indoor cat ran away. But comes home at night and hisses at me when I try to retrieve him...

by  |  earlier

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I've try to lead him home with a flashlight and I've tried holding him but he goes in attack mode.

This is going to be the third night he's been out and about.

Any suggestions on how to get him to stop hissing so I can take him home without getting hurt?

He's clawed my arms and legs before when he ran away for a day,

But this time the hissing and aggressiveness seems more severe since he's been out for more days.





  1. Sounds like he is not neutered, if not get him fixed soon. He likes the night life and the ladies, and does not want you to keep him in. So getting him fixed will help a lot.

  2. he is out "catting around", in other words he is looking for a female. there is, most likely on in heat in the neighborhood.even if she is inside, he knows where she lives. get him neutered, he will calm down.  

  3. It's a he?

    He's got a girfriend, my friend. He is now the 15-17 year-old teenager sneaking out to go meet up with his girlfriend for a night on the town, and you are the mean parent trying to prevent him from going out the door to do so. You are just plain in his way.

    The best you can do is get him fixed, if you have not already done so. If he's fixed and still going out, you'll need to lock him in the bathroom and let him howl for a few days until girlfriend goes out of heat.

  4. Are you absolutely positive it's not a look-alike?

    Could he be injured? Hurt animals can be very aggressive.

    Try coaxing him home with food. Once you do get him home GET HIM NEUTERED!!!!! It will make both of your lives easier.

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