
My indoor-outdoor cat hasn't come back yet... Will he return?

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My indoor-outdoor cat, 3 years old, hasn't come back yet. He spends most of his time inside, but we let him out once a day so he can play a bit. Usually, after an hour, if we call his name, he will come running to the door. But last night, we let him out and we haven't seen him since. We keep calling his name and he won't come back. Today, I walked all around my street calling his name but he didn't show... I left some food out around in front of the house, and he still isn't here yet... What should I do? Also, we just recently moved to this house. We've been living here for about a month now. And he hasn't tried to run away or anything. He likes it here...




  1. He can't come back if he's dead.  Most likely he's been hit by a car, eaten by a wild animal, has been shot, poisoned, tortured by kids, dismembered by a loose dog.  Maybe next time you get a cat you'll realize letting it free roam outdoors is foolish.

  2. How far away do you live from your previous house.  I wonder if your cat is trying to get back to your other house.  I am a cat owner and I know how you feel.  I will pray he returns home.  Hopefully he is just having too much fun outside and he will soon return

  3. I had lived in my house for about 2 months when my indoor cat got out and was missing.  I looked everywhere for him, and was worried sick.  I kept searching and it turned out that a neighboorhood cat had him cowering beneath a bush.  You cat may have accidentally crossed on to another cats turf.  Knock on the neighbor's door, its a good way to get to know them, and a chance to let them know that you don't think its ok for him to be out and urinating in their yards.  Also find out if they have cats that go outside, they might offer for you to look in their yard for him if they love cats.

    Post signs around the neigborhood, contact local vets and shelters.

    Lastly, at the risk of catching other cats, get a humane trap and put his favorite, most smelly food in there (kippers work for a lot of cats) and you may just catch him.

    Good luck and check the links below for more ideas

  4. He's Probably Exploring His New Environment If He Does Not Show up In 24 hours Check Around.

  5. If the cat isn't neutered then he probably went to find a girlfriend nearby. I'd alert the local shelter just in case and keep leaving small amounts of food out. Unfortunately, unless you happen to see your cat walking by there's not much you can do but wait and see.

  6. ok if you live bye a woods he might went there and is lost but he should return. Mabye you should make lost cat posters and put them around you nabor houd dont give up some one else might have found him if he doent have a coller if he comes back put one on him.

  7. not being smart or funny but get him neutered, it stops males from wondering and is very good for them as in not diseases or becoming aggressive. hope this helps!

  8. Hopefully, your cat will come back, but there is a chance he was injured, catnapped, or run over. It is safer to keep a cat indoors instead of letting them out, even if it's once in a while. If you do want to take your cat outside, try using a harness and go out with him or at least watch him when he's outside.

    Try posting posters around your community to see if anyone has seen him and you might want to call the animal shelter to see if they have him.

  9. Cats are very smart even if you have only been there a month i know what your going though thats why my cats are indoor cats i can't go though that i hope he come home soon

  10. My sister's cat was gone for 4 days before it came back on its own, so don't despair. Has it been microchipped so that if someone finds it and turns it in to a shelter, they can call you? Call local shelters or vets' offices and they might be of help. Good luck!

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