
My insurance company canceled my policy and i am 7 months pregnant. what are my options?" ?

by  |  earlier

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i sent my payment on the 28 and they are saying they received it on the 5th so due to non payment they are canceling my policy.

i spoke with a rep and a manager and i need an alternative. any suggestions>?




  1. Get a lawyer.

    Speak to a supervisor.

    Why would they cancel it after one late payment?  Have you done this before?

  2. Most states offer government help with insurance to pregnant women. Usually this has limitations due to your income. It's worth checking out since you are pregnant.

  3. California offers insurance to pregnant woman to ensure the healthy birth of the baby and the survival of the mother. I would say that you need to get a copy of the postmark of when the letter was sent out. And getting a lawyer is also a good idea. There are many cases that can be successfully fought based on the postmark of a letter. For instance, the IRS merely demands that the letter be postmarked April 15th, not that they receive your taxes before April 15th. Could you imagine the panic if they changed policies?

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