
My insurence plan changed and I started taking my?

by Guest45514  |  earlier

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daughter to a new Pediatrician, he is a male. Everytime she sees him she cries, she will not let him do much, I have to hold her down. I don't doubt he is a good Doctor,and he is at walking disctance from my house. What should I do?




  1. Get her another physician! Your daughter's feelings should be more important than you being walking distance from his office.

  2. Find another Dr.!   Maybe a female.  Is he part of a clinic?  If so, there should be more Dr's to choose from.

    Please don't ever hold a child down to be examined unless they are in the ER and need to be restrained.

    She is afraid of him for some reason.......listen to her!

  3. Your child needs to be comfortable with their doctor.  I would suggest a female for your Pediatrician.  Ask the office if there is a female doctor you can see.

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