
My intelligent 3 year old refuses to p**p in potty?

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my son is very quick at learning new things but when it comes to pooping on the potty or toilet he refuses. theres no problems weeing, hes not constipated and has never had a bad experience to scare him. He does not want nappies on, he would just prefere to go in his underpants. I dont pressure him in any way, so why is he doing this? HELP!




  1. i'm going through this too and i've found that you can't get mad at them for going in their pants.  Just clean it up and remind him that when he feels like he has to go to get you and go in the potty.  when he does go, praise him like heck!  my daughter in the past 3 weeks has only had about 3-4 accidents.  she just started using the potty more and more out of the blue.  i'm told it has to do with their bowel muscles.  they're just not strong enough yet.  he'll get there.  patience is key.  good luck!

  2. Welcome to the club. It's frustrating but he has the control. It could be his way of jerking you around. Kids are Smart. He may be enjoying your frustration because even at three kids like to feel that they have power. You may have to change the way you respond. What kind of award would he like for positive behavior? My little two and a half year old thought it was great when he got stars that he could stick on his shirt for good performance, it may be something different for yours Just try to be more casual about his soiled diaper and be rewarding for his good behavior. try bribing him with something special if he uses the potty. Be sure the potty you have is comfortable for him to use.

  3. He is demonstrating his independence and you will not win on this one. When he is ready it will happen. Until then you can explain to him since he knows where he needs to go and chooses not to then he is in charge of the clean up. That will at least give him the consequence of what happens when you go in your pants. As frustrating as it is, potty training will end; Ever see a kid in First Grade in diapers?

  4. Try asking your kid instead of us. Once you know the reason, only then can you figure out what to do next.

    Be patient and understanding, and give him a lot of encouragement and verbal praise when he tries. Prizes could also work. Worst comes to worst, you may have to model for him :P If you think this is too awkward, use a doll. Be creative, try a staging a puppet show using whatever toys are available.

  5. Candy or a small toy if he goes in the pot, that's my mother-in-law's trick.

    Edit: Did I mention that ALL my kids are out of diapers?

    They eventually don't need the candy, and understand that it was gross to have p**p in their pants.

  6. Try giving him rewards or verbal praise.

  7. how intelligent is he, not very if he wants to sit in p**p

  8. When he goes in his underpants again, don't express frustration or anything, if you do. Tell him that he knows where he is supposed to p**p and since he has chosen to p**p in his pants instead, that he will have to clean it up. Take him by the hand to a bathroom and give him the tools to clean himself up. Naturally, he will not be able to do it by himself, but allow him to struggle with it for a bit. After about 7 minutes or so, tell him you will help finish cleaning him up but that he must do the rest, such as taking all the soiled items to where ever you want them and using a rag with a safe cleaner on it (or no cleaner, just water) to clean any p**p that got on the floor or somewhere else. You will still need to actually clean up behind him. But don't keep him on the potty for extended periods of time or he will come to despise it. Just let HIM deal with the consequences of pooping  in his pants. Also, if he has some older cousins or playmates that he really admires, brief them ahead of time to kind of use peer pressure to let him know it is not cool to p**p in your pants. Good luck!

  9. she called the S**t p**p

  10. Hi! Perhaps u could try and reward him each time he needs to go to the toilet.(with chocolate, stickers or lolly) I'm working as an assistant teacher in a preschool. I do experience some kids who have difficulty in putting them on the potty. Usually, I would show him/her friend who sat on the potty nicely, in such way, he might have more courage to do it on his own.  Or you could also try, read him a short story while he is on the potty.

    Good luck!!

    All the best to u!!

  11. Well, it seems to me that the ability to "p**p in potty" might be a sign of intelligence in 3 yr olds. Therefore, I submit that you are in error. Your 3 year old is not intelligent.

    Since he is 3 years old, he should have adequate language skills and motor skills, so make him clean up his messes. That should inspire him to do things correctly.

  12. Ok... this whole equating potty training with intelligence is a bunch of.... well, .... cr*p.

    My youngest son wasn't completely potty trained until he was almost 4 years old.

    And now, at 6 1/2, he's academically ahead for his age. Next year, his school has slated him for giftedness testing.

    My philosophy? Lay off! Relax. Don't make a big deal or a struggle out of it. I know it's frustrating (and sometimes gross!).

    Try this: go to an elementary/primary school and ask the kindergarten teacher (find a teacher in her late 40's, 50s or beyond... they've seen lots of kids) how many students she's had in her career who come to kindergarten in diapers. I'm guessing not many (if any!!)

    This does not reflect on your son's intelligence in any way. He may not be physically ready for this step yet. Relax. It will happen!!! Keep on gently encouraging him. Avoid bribery, it's just plain bad parenting. Also, don't punish him.

    My ex husband used to put my now 8 year old son in a freezing cold shower when my son was 3 to punish him for having a "potty accident". He made my son stand there for 10 minutes.

    Seriously... relax. :) Boys potty train later than girls... its a physical development thing.

  13. Set him on the potty and make it into a game.  Periodically check to see if he went, if not, have him sit back down.  Don't let him off until he goes.  You must be firm on that point.  It may take a few hours but it will be better for you and him in the long run.  When he does go, be very excited, clap and cheer.

    I promise he won't take as long the second time.

  14. There are not very many ways that kids can have control in their world. The only areas that he has absolute control are eating and toileting. Be patient. Don't pressure. (Sounds like you aren't doing that). What you are experiencing is so incredibly normal. At our school, we have the non-p**p-in-the-pottyers wear protective plastic pants over their underwear. It makes clean up easier, but they can still feel the discomfort from p**p in their pants. Also, make sure to have lts of books annd movies around for him to look through that talk about pooping in the potty. Let him know that someday, he may want to p**p in the potty, and that it's going to be a great day!

  15. he he! funny! wat i say is dat u can jus scare him by saying that poo poo monster will eat u up if u  dont do on potty

  16. come on....hes a kid...let him be for a while...if he can talk properly and if he is not authistic(knock wood) he will sure...all the kids have those kinds of will see in a year or so...

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