I'm not american...Im not even IN america lol but u know what...I watch the news. and I would say that anyone who votes for Mccain is just falling for his traps. I believe that although he has more experience than Obama....He is a sly, Selfish, cunning person. Hence his choice in running mate. He didnt pick someone who could run this country in case something happened to him. he picked someone who could win him more votes! Female votes! He thinks about himself before he thinks about wats best for America. Do u really see Pretty Ms Sara as President when McCain dies of Cancer? she cant do it! Yea...Obama may have hurt himself when he didnt pick Hillary as running mate. But i believe that his decision was not for the betterment of himself..but that country !! He didnt choose the person who would give him the most votes (Hillary). He chose someone who is able to run that country if something should happen to him. He thought of AMERICA!! I think that was a wise noble choice which is quite refreshing when I see the old Political tricks that McCain is pulling on the American people. And if they are too blind to see that....its their loss of a GREAT president. And how can Americans be so tired of Bush...and Complain about him...Yet support McCain??? McCain is just a clone of bush who yells WAR WAR WAR!!! It doesnt make sense....and by the way...Saying Obama doesnt have experience is true.. he is INEXPERIENCED when it comes to ripping off the american people and lying just to get richer. he is INEXPERIENCED when it comes to thinking of himself and being hungry for power. Ya...McCain is WAY more experienced in that. And I believe that Obama really has Change to offer this country... McCain will just be a terrible reflection of Bush and his rediculous policies... THINK AMERICANS !!! THINK !!
Now tell me americans...What DO u think ?? if u even think at all...