
My internet connection has went from blazing fast.. to super slow? what the HECK?

by  |  earlier

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I have had Road Runner Turbo (one of the fastest internet providers) it has been blazing fast for me and I've loved it.

Just a few minutes ago, I closed the browser for a minute, and when I re-opened Internet Explorer, it had went from it's BLAZING FAST speed to Dial-up speed! Earlier today when my computer was working, I ran a test and I found out it was super fast. Right after this happened I ran another test and it showed me I was running on a dial-up connection.

I called up the cable company and they told me that there may be a virus because right now I should be getting fast speed.

PLEASE HELP ME I don't know what to do here. I want my connection back !!!

Anyone? Please I would really appreciate it.




  1. I had this same problem a week ago with Road Runner. Here is what you need to do. Unplug the cable modem and remove the backup battery for 1 minute. Nothing shorter or longer, 1 minute even. Plug it all back in and it should work. Often the folks on the tech support line forget we have battery backups that prevent a full power down. Simply unplugging it isn't enough because the battery keeps it going to an hour or more. If that doesn't work check here:  to see how fast your connection really is. This is the program Time Warner uses BTW. Good luck!  

  2. go on another computer and see if is slow and if its not

    see if its a spyware

    hold down CTRL ALT and DELET and see if there are any unwanted processes and end them but make sure you don't end the good ones and virus scan your computer

  3. yeah it maybe a virus scan your computer for viruses if not then you may need to adjust your internet connection settings. and make sure everything is properly set.  

  4. Well, cable modems actually share a network connection, so at times of peak usage (evenings), things very easily could slow down as everybody is using bandwidth.  And if lots of people are simultaneously using large amounts of it.... that's less available to you.

    That or update your anti-virus software and conduct a thorough scan.

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