
My internet is running SLOOOOW, what can I do to fix this?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 2MB internet, but it's taking forever to open any given webpage, what can I do??




  1. Use crapcleaner program. It cleans out trash on your computer and clears the cookies.

    Also if you are using cable modem there might be other people using your same connection also. When you use cable modem, you are also sharing connection with other people in your area.

  2. Hii.....Delete all cookies and temp file on ur system if u hv any modem or any device connected to ur system to get internet connection just restart it .if ur using Internet Explorer update it or download mozilla  Firefox its really work fast.

  3. Close useless applications (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) and disable the Add-ons. What browser you use?

  4. Maybe you are downloading something that consumes your 2MB bandwidth

  5. Training-

  6. kij

  7. First of all which browser are you using. Try Mozila Firefox Browser.


    Option : 1


    Clear your "temporary internet files" folder.

    - Goto Start Button

    - Run

    - Type %tmp%

    - Ok

    - Delete all files


    Option : 2


    Run virus scan in your system.

    If you like my answer then you can mark my answer as a best answer. For any further information you can contact me. My email address is given below.


    Name : Mohd. Shafi Shaikh

    Website :


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