
My internet is security-enabled. How do I disable it so I can use internet on my PSP?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have the computer with the router connected in, I have the computer with wireless internet. Can I disable the security from my computer? Or do I have to do it on my dad's? If so, how? All answers appreciated.




  1. do you really want someone to steal your internet connection? or hack your pcs

  2. You can connect to a secure network with your PSP, find out what the code is, and enter it in when setting up the connection on your PSP.

  3. it all depends on what kind of router you own. all you need to do is find out wat the code is and when you are asked for it on the PSP just enter it. wether is a WPE or WPA code depends on you but make sure you enter it correctly and you should have no problems getting online with the PSP

  4. Do Not disable the network. If you do anyone can use your connection because you have unlocked it. The best thing for you to do is find out what the code is. All you have to do is choose to connect wirelessly and when it asks you for the security code type it in and you should be connected in about 5 seconds. Your better off

  5. on any pc (even your psp) make the browser go to your router's IP address (usually just put that IP in your address bar and you will go to the router control panel. then, you can look at the security settings and enter the password in the psp settings (or you could disable the security if you really want to)

  6. If you want to get rid of it and redownload your security system

    you can go to your control panel,go to add/remove programs,and choose the program from a list

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