
My internet is soooo slow!

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I have a normal PC laptop and also an eMac. I have noticed on both of them that the internet is really slow, compared to other peoples. Like when I go on youtube I have to wait for it to load and it takes a really long time. I think it is maybe my router that is doing this, is there anyway to speed it up? It is so annoying!




  1. Call your ISP (Internet Service Provider) they will run diagnostics from their end and give you some help.

    Ask them about your router and if you can unplug it to reset it. It will not work on newer routers because they have a battery built in.

  2. First of all, is your computer infected with a virus, is your hard drive full, do you run too many applications at once, or is there more than 5 users on your computer, any of these can cause bad internet.

    If not any of those, then you may have a basic internet plan with your provider or your router is over heating, try turning it off and on every day, that will refresh it all the time.

  3. There is a nice and really helpful article on slow computer and solutions. Have a look on that. It may help to resolve your problem.

    For slow internet you can check the following. many things can be done to improve system performance. Have a look on this. I believe it will help you.

  4. What kind of router do you have?

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