
My internet messes up everytime I use the phone...Can you help?

by  |  earlier

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Every time someone calls and we pick it up, or we press talk on the phones, the internet doesn't work, until about 2 minutes after.

We only have two cordless phones, and they're both connected to the same base. Any help is greatly appreciated!




  1. certification-

  2. You don't mention if your on ADSL or dial up.

    If your on dial up then your stuck as the modem and phones use the same line.

    If your on ADSL then you have a configuration issue, you need to check your filters are correctly installed, the computer should be linked into the master socket only, not an extension cable or socket, this can cause issues so check you are installed correctly - some people try extending the ADSL connection by putting a phone extension in rather than extending the RJ11 cable from the filter to the ADSL modem which is the correct way.

  3. you most likely might have dial-up?

  4. Are you using dial-up?  If so, then only one connection can be made at a time (just like dialing a person).  If you have DSL, then you might have to have the line check to make sure there is no interference and you are using filters on your line.

  5. Stop picking up the phone while online

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