
My introduction entry for my online diary. Please have a look at it /advice me/ correct it?

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Hey everyone. So basically I just moved to New York City and decided to keep a livejournal about my life here..

Would any of you be so kind to PLEASE have a look at what I have written and tell me if there are any mistakes/better ways to say what I'm trying to say (English is NOT my mothertongue) or if you have any advice or ideas to make it better.

I often read novels written as if it was a diary and the style is so witty I love it and I would love to make mine that way as much as possible. :)

Anyway here's what I have written so far:


Sam.Almost 19.Head always in the clouds.

Long story short,life in the peaceful but oh-so-boring countryside of Switzerland had never been for me.All my life,I've been dreaming about all the things the New World had to offer,about the American way of life.

Now just done with high school and not a clue about future career plans,I decided to take a year off and welcome a dramatic change,head right to the USA by myself.

..So guess where you'll find me now? In the city that never sleeps.In the capital of the world.

Follow my journey as I seek my almost-out-of-date American dream and catch glimpses of all the excitement present in NYC.

Keep up with me as I learn everyday about independant life in the melting pot,social life in the big apple,and meet with all the new experiences of life in Manhattan as well as life in general.

Discover the empire city at the same time than me as I will try to update you as often as possible with pictures and anecdotes and share with you the vision of the city both from a tourist and a new resident's eyes.

Awkward moments.Parties.Drama.Fun times.Amazing memories.Troubles.Glamour.Sillyness and Randomness.Miracles.

Want to know more? Read my livejournal!


I would be really grateful if you could correct this,I know there are several mistakes because there were things I wasn't sure how to there are probably a few things that don't make sense..please help me! :)

ps: plz don't make fun of my entry! :p




  1. Actually, that was very good! I live in NYC, so I'd actually be interested in what you think of life here in the States. Don't worry about spelling and grammar, either. So far you're doing great, and as you read other people's blogs and immerse yourself in the English language, it'll become easier to write it.

    Also, do you think you could e-mail me a link to your blog? I'd love to keep up with it and hear about the things you experience here. :) My e-mail address on this site is

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