
My invitations to join a group do not seem to be received?

by  |  earlier

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I have sent invitations to 3 different people with 3 different email domains and none have received the invite. Two were test invites to my alternate email addresses. The 3rd is a legit invite. We have checked our spam filters, junk email boxes, etc and they are not hung up there. One is a Comcast address - I have an active membership on another Comcast email that is working flawlessly, not not sure why I never received the invite on my 2nd Comcast address. The other fellow has been subcribed for a year+ but stopped receiving posts. I deleted him from the group and then re-invited him, but now he is not getting the invites. Any thoughts?




  1. You may try asking Yahoo Customer Support, they may explain in more detailed way.

    What’s the best way to contact customer support?

    Or, if you have permission of the people, you can directly add them to your group:

    How can I directly add (not invite) members to my group?

    What’s the difference between "Invite Members" and "Add Members"?

  2. ISP's see invites as spam. there's nothing you really can do. if you have a closed group, you're limited unless they have an alternative addy.

    you could add them, but they'll then not have access to the groups feature; they'll only be e-mail members

    if your group is not closed, just send the direct link of the group to them, they can join per the join tab

  3. You could just add them yourself. Click on invite on the left side of your home page. Look down to near the bottom of the next page and you will see add from an existing mail list. Click on that and follow the prompts

  4. sounds like it may be a problem with your groups email address ( being blacklisted at comcasts main spam filters.

    contact comcast and make sure they check and take out your groups email from it if this is the problem.

    try that first. if that is the problem, then it may be blacklisted on the other email servers as well. (they usually have one common service they get "spam" email address from.

    hope this helps.

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