
My iphone is version 1.02. itunes want's to update it to version 2.2?

by  |  earlier

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my phone might lock again, could i unlock it again or am i screwed




  1. lol.......1.02 , where are u from brother???

    TRY to be a bit more 21st century yeh??? go update the software ASAP. U r screwed lol

  2. If you upgrade iTunes, the phone WILL lock again.  There is a tutorial at that has been said to allow you to unlock it; however, I have NOT tried it and cannot vouch for it.

  3. LOL  1.02 is so last year mate.  You are missing out on tons of great features.  

    Updating will probably lock it again.  Life is so much easier when you follow the rules.

    Good luck.

  4. you should check out this site where you can get it for free

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