
My ipod is keeps pausing its self and and it freezes a lot how do i fix this?

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  1. Being someone who fixes ipods, i would restore it. its probably a system error. so just restore it, and if the problem persists, take it in to apple.

  2. Mine was doing that too. Are you leaving it in your car where it can get really hot?  

  3. the middle ok button and menu button at the same time 2 reset.if it keeps doing that.u should take it 2 b repaired. might b a bug or u lack enough memory.

  4. A number of things could be wrong...

    1. Your IPod could have a virus

    2. The hard drive may be on it's last leg.

    3. Assuming these are new songs you are trying to listen to, the quality of the download could be low.

    Better to be safe than sorry.  I would take it in to an apple store ASAP to avoid anything happening to the hard drive.  There are also other small mechanical pieces in the IPod which could be broken/dislodged/going bad.  For example, about a year and a half ago I was experiencing pausing, stalling, freezing, etc on my 20 gig IPod.  Once day after downloading music onto it, it suddenly 'lost' all the music. I plugged it back in to the computer, re-downloaded everything, and properly ejected hardware.  I went to look at the music files to verify they were there, and all of a sudden I heard this grinding noise then a picture of an IPod with an 'unhappy face' appeared on the screen directing me to  

    Apple told me the hard drive was fried and it would be $120.00 to fix or I could sell them my IPod and they would pay me $30.00.

    Needless to say I bought a new one (I know, stupid!) and kept the other lying around my house refusing to believe it was toast.  One day my husband's 'techy-geeky' friend offered to look at it for free.  He called a couple hours later and said that a mechanical arm was broken, he replaced it, the IPod works and get this....All the music was still there from years earlier!  So, if I were you I would take it into a repair store ASAP.  You don't have to go to Apple, there are tons of places that work on IPods now, just make sure they are credible and trustworthy.

  5. Take it to an Apple store and they'll probably reset it and possibly install the latest software.

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