
My ipod nano went throw the washing there a way to get it to work again???

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My ipod nano went throw the washing there a way to get it to work again???




  1. funny you should ask cuz I just washed my cell phone yesterday!!

    No, it's dead.  sorry.

  2. Don't think these gadgets are water-proof.  It's a goner.

  3. yah dude that happened to me today.... and im like man i just bought it!  but im letting it liek rest for a while.... than im praying liek crazy! lets hope it works

  4. My niece did this with hers and what she did, was let it thoroughly dry out and then she tried it and it worked.  I think she was really lucky, but I can say, we've had a few things that have gone through the washer (cell phones, cameras, etc) We just try not to be in a hurry to use it right away and let it dry in some warm, but not too warm place.  Worst that can happen, it doesn't work.  But if you are patient, chances are, it will.  Also, setting it on something absorbent seems to help draw any water inside out.  I use a micro fiber cloth to set whatever made it way through the washer this week.  Although I ALWAYS check my stuff, I don't have time or energy to check all the kids, and now I ask....did you check your stuff?  LOL!  Hope this helps you out!  Good luck!

  5. its dead

  6. I really, truly doubt it!!!  Being thrashed around, and soaked in water that long leaves a VERY slim chance of it working at all.  If it does, its a MIRACLE!!!

  7. nope if you have a warranty then your fine, otherwise try sending it to apple sometimes theyll just give you another

  8. Probably not, but as my wife never checks pockets I have rescued a variety of electronic devices by applying gentle heat for a day or so, a storage heater worked best, a towel rail might be ideal.

  9. this has also happened to me, I accidentally left my ipod nano on my pants and washed it on the washing machine, but my ipod had at least a rubber case, does yours have any protection? anyway, when I got my ipod, it was really wet, what I did was I let it dry, I put it underneath my desk lamp to help speed up drying of the ipod. I think it took me two days to let it dry as in really dry then I plugged it onto my computer to charge it since the battery became empty, I was still able to use my ipod nano afterwards although the battery seems easily drained after the incident though but nevertheless it still played songs as it was before. but just to be sure, and if you still have warranty, you might want to take it to an apple service center

  10. of course ... when you buy one that looks like it again =) ... sorry

  11. Don't listen to the people who are telling you "Go out and buy a new one, it's dead" There is a way that it might work again. I mean hey, it's worth a shot!!

    My brothers cell phone went through the washer, so this is in the same family as the ipod.

    First, make sure it's turned off, if you can't turn it off, it's okay.

    Second, set it on your bedroom dresser, night stand, desk, whatever, as long as it's a sturdy surface. Don't place directly next to a window where sun can come down on it.

    Third, let it sit there for atleast 3-4 days minimum. I would let it sit there a week, for best results.

    Then, after a week, reset the ipod. (Resetting does not erase all songs, pix, ect off your ipod.) To reset your ipod, press and hold the center button and menu button at the same time for 20 seconds.

    I hope this will get your ipod to work again!! I can't live without my music! LOL This worked for my bro.'s cell and it's like new now!


  12. it happened to my brother's ipod but he missed up by connecting it to the charger and the ipod got burned, when he went apple they told him that you were mistaken when connecting it so dont do it

  13. funny thing this happened to me a week ago

    and no the ipod did not worklukily i still had the warranty , i went to best buy and got me a new ipod


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