
My ipod wont unlock, cuz i forgot the combo.?

by  |  earlier

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my ipod is locked and wont unlock cuz i forgot my combo, and my itunes wont unlock it after i plug it into my computer, any other possible ways to get it unlocked?




  1. Apple store..

    Tell them, it's not your fault. it should unlock when you plugg it into your computer..

  2. ive had it happen before, its a theft prevention. Just hook it up to your computer and it will unlock. If that doesnt work call Apple Customer Service, but that is your last resort!

  3. reset the whole computer with the ipod pluged in thats the only way srry.reset means to start the computer with eveything deleted

  4. Restore it in itunes if it doesn't work then download linux for your iPod or update the firmware and restore it again in itunes.

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