
My jack russell???????????

by  |  earlier

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i woke up this morning to find my dog had no fur on his paw!! and it wasn't like this last night!! what has happened or what is wrong?




  1. he/she has a fur problem when he scratches he sheds more fur than normal go to the vet and get it looked at my friends dog has it to

  2. Could be anything...allergy, skin irritant, he could have been gnawing on probably want to get it checked out by a vet.

  3. Probably gnawing on it or grooming the hair off.  Excessive grooming can be a sign that the dog isn't getting enough activity, or so I've read.  Gnawing could be a sign of a bigger problem or an injury.  Go to the vet and have the pup checked out.

  4. It can be a number of things.

    Has you dog had fleas? Have you ran through the fur with a flea comb, parted the fur, found black "dirt", or attempted a flea treatment?

    If it's fleas, a simple fix would be a bath or flea treatment.

    If it's not fleas, it could be an allergy or skin problem.

    If you frequently bathe your pet, it can cause skin issues.

    Baby oil is a nice fix for dry skin.

    It may be an anxienty issues. Has your dog showed restless if you leave or someone else leaves or enters? Has your dog been crying?

    If it's anxienty issues, consult a dog trainer.

    One more thing, it could be plain that the dog is trying to get attention. If you do not give your pet frequent attention, some dogs are known to hurt themselves in order to get attention. There's a case of a German Shepard gnawing off his tail to get attention from the owners.

    If this is the case, simply spend more time with your dog.

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