
My japanese fighting fish's head is half white is that normal?

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when we first got my fighting fish it was red all over but then my cat attacked it and its now got white going from its mouth to its jaw ( if thats possible on a fish).




  1. I would like to see a pic I have never seen or heard of a japanese fighting fish I have heard of the simiease fighting fish

    if the white you are talking about looks fuzzy like cotten it has developed a fungus infection at the point of it's injury caused by the injury and poor water conditions get some anti fungal medication to treat the fish and shoot the dam cat

  2. i have never heard of this fish

    i have only heard of Siamese fighting fish

  3. oh no. Sounds like you have fungus which can also happen on the fins and mouth of the fish. Get some medicine for him and he will be okay.

  4. Whiteness in the area of the face is almost always columnaris, which looks very much like fungus, but will stay in more of a mat rather than a three dimensional tuft.  Also, columnaris will maintain a clean white while fungus tends to be yellow or brown.  Keeping it in a low stress environment is essential for curing it, so a filtered, heated tank is a very good start.  Remove any activated carbon from the filter and begin treating with Triple Sulfa, Trisulfa, Maracyn 2, Furan 2, Kanaplex, Maracyn TC, TC Capsules, or acriflavine based medications.




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