
My jaw hurts after i came home from the dentist

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so i just came home from the dentist, i'm 14 btw. so they had to drill my cavities. they put alot of numb medication and now my jaws hurts. is it because of the numb medication because my jaw never hurt like this before.




  1. Yeah it's from the shots most likely. It can take anywhere frmo 2 days to a week to go away... take some ibuprofen and call the dentist if it gets worse.  

  2. This is normal for you to have some discomfort. Your jaw could be sore from the shots but it can also be from keeping you mouth open too long. This happens to me because I have TMJ problems so keeping my mouth open for long periods of time makes the joint in my jaw very sore. Take it easy for a few day and try not to eat anything that will cause you to open your mouth wide.

  3. That's normal, take some aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain.

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