
My jealous cat, what should I do?

by Guest63313  |  earlier

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I have a cat who has just turned 2 years old. She is on average-very loving and playful towards us. However, the woman who lives across the hall owns a cat too and whenever the woman comes over alone, my cat snarls at her! My cat-whenever she sees the womans cat-snarls at her cat too. The other cat does absolutely nothing back. If my mother goes across the hall, my cat gets all nasty and jealous and wont go near my mother for hours. We are moving soon and we want to get another cat. How can I make my cat now - be nice to the new kitten and not have her kill it! Please help ASAP.




  1. Well, You haven't said if she was fixed or not. That can do a lot in regards to behavior towards another cat.

    If the cat is fixed, then you might just have one of them that despise other cats, no matter what. You might not have any luck with a new cat, and your old cat may start to become so jealous that she'll start marking up her territory if you get another. You can't "make" your cat be nice if she doesn't want to be.

  2. Cats can be territorial at times, especially if they smell the scent of another kitty.

    My experience with introducing kittens to older cats is that it's actually really easy! Well, easier than introducing one adult cat to another, anyway. Kittens tend to be playful and submissive. At first, your older cat may hiss and bat at the kitten...But you just have to watch over them and make sure the older cat doesn't hurt or outright attack the baby.

    The older cat will eventually recognize that it's a baby and avoid the kitten...Eventually, she will adjust to having the new cat around.

    Once she's confirmed she's still in charge and "dominant kitty" in the household, she will feel more comfortable and less threatened by the new cat.

    They will begin to play together and become friends over time. Anyway, just make sure you fix the kitten at 6-9 months, otherwise you'll have to deal with it coming into heat and possible spraying.

    Hope that helps somewhat!

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