
My job is driving me crazy....I want to quit b/c I don't think I can do what's required of me

by Guest63321  |  earlier

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I'm the shelver that works at the library. My boss told me I have to work the whole time minus 15 min./4 hrs. I shelve all the books, straighten chairs, put up toys & puzzles, shelf read some (but not the whole library), but sometimes I'd like a longer break esp. on a slow day. Everyone else reads or something. I was shocked b/c I've seen him sit down and read. Also, he doesn't work the whole time minus 15 min which he says is for everyone. He's hardly ever there. He doesn't even talk to me unless he wants something. Otherwise, I'm invisible. I used to try to say hi & stuff but he'd look at me like "what do you want" but still talk to me. One of the only things he does is move stuff around so I have to figure out where it is. The patrons get confused and the changes don't make any sense.

In the morning, I knock on the door & my supervisor sees me but makes me wait for some minutes. She lets me in...I say thanks & goodmorning. She doesn't even speak to me. This is every morning.

My co-worker spends most of the time playing around minus shelving.

The homeworker helper rarely has anyone so she reads magazines unless there's a kids activity to lead.

The two things I like about my job is I'm an introvert so it's an independent job & my schedule is really flexible which is good b/c I'm in college, have had doc appointments, & had to go to app. w/my fam (they're sick too). I've missed some days only when I had to though. Otherwise, I go to work.

Also, the boss and the higher-ups gossip.




  1. Sound like you haven't been working there long, give it some more time and you may find your niche.

    I would suggest, regarding your surprise at his/her sitting and reading, that you look up the job requirements for a librarian, they are remarkably high and Liberians appeared to me once having read the education and experience requirements, to be an under utilized public resource.

  2. THat sounds like the easiest job on the planet. No pressure, no performance goals. I'm guessing you have some issues; I'd hang on to this job. Period.  

  3. You just have to get used to the 'real world.'    Do what they ask of you, collect your pay, then go home.

  4. Life is too short, these people sound rude.  I was thinking at first you sounded like a kid who didn't like to work but then the thing about them not letting you in early and her not talking to you and so on...maybe this isn't good advice but it is the same thing I have said to my kids, life is too short, I would look for another job and bite my tongue until I found one.  

    Just stick your tongue out at them when their backs are turned, granted, not very mature, but it feels really good.  

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