
My job is driving me crazy...I want to quit b/c I don't think I can do what's required of me

by  |  earlier

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I'm the shelver that works at the library. My boss told me I have to work the whole time minus 15 min./4 hrs. I shelve all the books, straighten chairs, put up toys & puzzles, shelf read some (but not the whole library), but sometimes I'd like a longer break esp. on a slow day. Everyone else reads or something. I was shocked b/c I've seen him sit down and read. Also, he doesn't work the whole time minus 15 min which he says is for everyone. He's hardly ever there. He doesn't even talk to me unless he wants something. Otherwise, I'm invisible. I used to try to say hi & stuff but he'd look at me like "what do you want" but still talk to me. One of the only things he does is move stuff around so I have to figure out where it is. The patrons get confused and the changes don't make any sense.

In the morning, I knock on the door & my supervisor sees me but makes me wait for some minutes. She lets me in...I say thanks & goodmorning. She doesn't even speak to me. This is every morning.

My co-worker spends most of the time playing around minus shelving.

The homeworker helper rarely has anyone so she reads magazines unless there's a kids activity to lead.

The two things I like about my job is I'm an introvert so it's an independent job & my schedule is really flexible which is good b/c I'm in college, have had doc appointments, & had to go to app. w/my fam (they're sick too). I've missed some days only when I had to though. Otherwise, I go to work.

Also, the boss and the higher-ups gossip.




  1. You can and you will do whats required of you, and it will act as a constant reminder of the boss you don't want to be like when and if you ever get your college degree.

    You must do what you have to do to get what you want, not always what you want to do.

    Or you can just get another job !

  2. Your job is boring.  I was falling asleep reading about it.  Look for another job and quit this one when you have another.

    Good luck.

  3. I hate to tell you this, but these things go on in many work environments.  I do not care to be disrespected (especially by supervisors) and you shouldn't work for someone like that.  I would continue working at that job until you find another one that fits your schedule.  When it is time for you to leave the library for good, I would let your boss know exactly what you think of the way people work there and how you were basically ignored by them (unless of course you need them for a reference).  Keep doing your job well, don't complain, and leave with your head held high.  We've all had these types of jobs where everyone gets away with doing nothing and your basically a ghost to some people.

  4. sounds normal to me. You got all of them there that are just as much in any other work place. Everyone is different. I guess sometimes we expect our coworkers to be different. Did you just start. I know when you first start you are usually given a guideline for how they want things to be done and then after awhile of working you get the feel for the job and when things are needed and then you kind of feel where you fit in. I know the one place i worked at i talked and talked and talked to all my coworkers so i could get to know them. Sometimes they seemed annoyed with me. The one girl said to me do you ever shut up. i said yeah i didnt know you wanted me to. She didnt say it in a mean way. i would give your job a little more time and talk to the other employees and see what they think as well.

  5. It is your life. Don't ever depend on anyone else to make you happy. I would love to work in a library. Just shelve your books & think that someday you can either transfer to another dept. or the others will transfer or someone friendly will come in. It is all going to change at some point. Sometimes others who are introverted & choice to work in a library don't have very good social skills. I think you should just stick with it.. I know it is easy for others to say cause they aren't in your position.....take out a CD by Jerry & Esther Hicks called "the power of your emotions" actually I think I left the word amazing or astonishing out but you can find it. It tells how we are energy & we attract people to our life according to the way we are thinking. If you are afraid you may have attracted this for many reasons that has to do with you fear. Someone not as nice as you would have told this guy to get off his lazy as-s & work if you have to work. Or just start sitting down. This is not about them. It is all about your reaction to it..I am a life coach & if you ever feel it would help to learn to be more assertive or just to change your life in any way, please email me for coaching. Don't give up this job though. You will have to learn at some point how to create a life you love...Also, don't say the job is driving you crazy anymore. Start saying this job helps me have it all together. I am healed...also just say healing words about your family. You are better than what is going on & stepping into a new moment knowing this will help you start feeling better.

  6. Do you need a tissue? your questions sounds  like you do not like it? Have you talk to other co-worker in the library about your  problem?

  7. You should try and find a job first that you like then quit your job

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