
My job is keeping me from exploring the world?

by Guest58465  |  earlier

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i LOVE my job. im a vet assistant. been working there for about 1 1/2 years now. i want to go "exlplore" the world. travel. but i cant because i can only have 2 weeks off, and can only take off a week @ a time. this is why i HATE my job. i have t work to have money in order to travel. there is absolutley no way that i can get "special privleges", for example, me taking off for three weeks instead of just two, and not get paid for the one week. they dont allow that. im 20 years old and has no debt, nor a lot of bills to pay. i know this is adult hood, but im young, and wants to travel everywhere all the time. have you ever been in this kind of situation? any advice from anyone. thanx God Bless




  1. Unfortunately a person in your position just has to take it.  There is no job that will allow you to have that kind of time off.  You're lucky to have 2 weeks, many people your age don't even have that.  I know it is frustrating however you can't fight the system.  The best thing to do is take what you can as much as possible and when you get older and have more vacation time then go and see the world.  May I suggest saving as much as you can, then when it's time for you to change jobs, take a month off before starting your new job, and go see Europe.  This way you'll have both the time and money.

  2. Try getting a job in the travel industry.  That way you get paid to see all these places.  Hope it works for you.

  3. find another place to work. simple

  4. Been there, Done that....I left my job and my family and went hitchhiking in Europe and Asia for five years. While I don't recommend that long of a trip for everyone, I wouldn't trade the experience for the world. I can say now 36 years later, that had I not done it, I would have been looking back and wondering what it would have been like every day. Don't put yourself in that position. Being and adult is important, but so is satisfying your curiosity. You have no idea what seeing the world can do for you or what opportunities it might bring. Take a year and see the world. You are still young enough to start a career when you come home.

  5. So is mine lets quit and travel the world together!!!

  6. My job that I had for over 20 years took me to over 30 countries and had me living in 3.  I also was able to spend 13 months in Antarctica.  I've been as far north as Nova Scotia, as far south as Antarctica (with a one day trip to the South Pole and the most southern fried chicken you can get), as far west as Thailand, and as far east as Pakistan.

    The job I have now has taken me to 3 countries, and 7 different cities in the U.S.

    The logo of JOIN THE NAVY AND SEE THE WORLD worked for me!

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