
My job sucks, im depressed and im afraid of losing him..

by  |  earlier

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im going out with this really great guy. problem is me, not him. first off, i get jealous really easily. i know why, because i work a crappy job that stresses me out and lowers my self esteem. thats where the problem lies. how do i get over my jealousy and get myself out of my comfort zone and get a new job ? its ruining my life and my relationship. i am always grumpy and exhausted and really depressed...i cant seem to be positive these days. how do i get out of this slump?




  1. well, i guess you have to decide to help yourself, and when you make that decision, you can start changing things. if its your job that bothers you, you have to decide to do something about it. you are the only one who can start applying for other jobs. i hope you find what you are looking for, and i hope you find it soon. good luck.

  2. you too. im in the same boat and have a chance to make more money doing something taht i dont want to do but if you have a good head on your shoulders then you should be able to hopefully.. hopefully get you something new

  3. get away go to the beach or learn how to meditate

  4. No job is worth staying at that makes you unhappy! Get out!!!

    If you don't want to go through the hassle of looking for a new job- sign up with a temp agency-

    There are lots of places out there who's only job is to find you a job paying the most possible.

    manpower, randstad, express

    these are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head.

    The process is simple- they test your skills (computer etc) ask you what you have done before, and what you want to do now, and then they will place you somewhere temporarily at first, and them give you the option to go permanent with the company. That way if it is not a good fit for you or the company there is no obligation or messy quitting/ getting fired to deal with.

    Good luck with the job hunt- i was in your same situation a while back and now I have a great job I can play on the internet all day for good pay and benefits!

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