So I brewed my first batch of beer, making a 5 gal. batch of Weizenbier. I put 3 gal. in a small keg and put the other 2 gallons in flip top bottles. I used 1/2 cup of priming sugar for the whole batch and let it carbonate for 2 weeks. After exactly 2 weeks we opened some bottles and they came out AWESOME. The taste was good & crisp with no odd aftertastes. All in all, a great first try. But my 3 gal. keg apparently had a leak at the top. I used a new O ring kit but didn't have a good lube for it and had to resort to cooking oil for a seal (crappy idea, I know). I also didn't have any nickels to put under the stoppers, and so had a leak. But is there any way to save it? Did it oxygenate during the leaking process? Could I hit it with a little CO2 and remove the lid, re-grease the seal with a better lube, use some nickels to give it a tighter seal, and then hit it with CO2 again to pressurize? It was so good and I was so happy and want some more. Please help!!!