
My kid came back sick from a pool party?

by  |  earlier

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She said she's feeling hot and cold, and barely ate any dinner. I gave her ice cream instead. Her energy level is zero.

She was at a pool party today -- but it was a tiny pool with 10+ kids. However, she said that she was feeling queasy before the swimming part.

At the pool they had hot dogs and burgers. She said she didn't eat too much. It was very hot and sunny.

What could be wrong with her?




  1. I too agree with Carolyn, although she may be a tad alarmist. Sunstroke or heat exhaustion is the most likely scenario.

    Watch urine output and encourage fluids such as Gatorade. A sponge bath in tepid or cool water may help, too.

    Staphylococcal food poisoning results from foods with mayonnaise or cream fillings, within two to six hours after ingestion. E. coli may take 12 - 24 hours or longer to manifest itself. A host of viruses (enteroviruses) cause similar problems although usually less severely.

  2. I have to agree with Carolyn.  The most common things to think of in this picture are heat exhaustion/heat stroke and dehydration.  If she has a high temperature, little or dark urine, take her to the emergency room.  If she responds well to fluids at home, you could probably just encourage fluids.

    Definitely if she doesn't get better or if she gets worse, have her evaluated for other causes, like infection, either from food, pool water, or other kids and ask ifanyone else got sick at the party.

  3. she might be dehydrated- ask her if she drank plenty of fluids throughout the day

    another possibility is heatstroke/sunstroke- did she stay in the shade and have cold beverages on occasion? if not, it could be one of the two

    i don't want to alarm you, but i think this could be somewhat serious.. if she isn't used to being out in the sun all day, running around, swimming, eating, etc.. then she could have one of these. if the symptoms don't go away within an hour or two of giving her many liquids and cold showers, then i highly suggest you take her to the ER where she can get rehydrated and restabilized.

  4. ecoli

  5. She might have got sick from the heat that happens to me when I am swimming in my pool. But there might have been something in that pool that made her sick.

  6. Heat exhaustion.

    Make sure she is drinking water and keeping cool.

  7. Depending on how hot it is where you are at, it could be the heat, also depending on her age, it could be that time a month, also she might get a summerflu or tummyvirus, also she might have an infection coming in, it can be anything from dental to god knows what, temperature, low energys level could mean many things,but most of all it is a symptom that her immunsystem is working, but needs alittle help ( Vitamins, easy foods ,like soup) in a couple of days you will have an answer, keep an eye on her and seek medical help if symptoms worsen.

    Also make sure she drinks, even if she doesn't eat, fluids WATER is most important, kool-aids, juices, soda is no good. Teas such as,  peppermint, fenchel,camamille, are pretty good.Make sure it is sugerless, because sugers can increase viruses based on the Herpessimplex which is commen in soar throats, stomach viruses, also since she didn't eat anything at the poolparty, I assume it's heatexaustion,in Germany we call it Sunstruck, in this case keep her kool, NOT COLD give her plenty of fluids and out of the sun for a few days and some rest, she may throw up but do not worry, if it is only once, but twice  seek medical assistance.

    There is no real medication for that, all ER will do is fill her up with saline, replace the fluids she lost, check her vitals and keep her there till she's feeling better.

    Also it could be the "summerblues", inthat case she will be feeling better in a couple of days with a little TLC.

    Even here, alot of people I know have been feeling odd, as well, she might be as we are reacting to the weather changes, can't sleep well at night, the heat.... too heavy

    meals.. many reasons, but do not worry she will be ok.

    But for future, make her take a break from the sun atleast 10-15 per hour, and sports and all that should be reduced, make sure she drinks plenty of WATER, or tea, all other is useless.

    But only YOU know your daughter better, so DADDY Do not worry so much! Everything will be OK!!

  8. could have a touch of the bug it is going around here again ,,

    plenty of fluids rest and love

    or she could have a little heat exhaustion too ,, either way rest fluids and lots of love

  9. I guess I'm a little late on here. It looks like you have a lot of good answers. I read your question and briefly glanced over the other answers and I definitely agree that it sounds like heat was a factor. Add to that the bright sun, lots of other kids running around, all in close quarters, all the excitement, it could make a kid feel ill. It could also be a slight case of food poisoning. I can't see any harm in giving her the ice cream if that's what she felt like eating. Be sure to offer her some fluids, even if it's just water. I used to suffer from heat sickness when I was younger. I still can't take the heat as well as most people can. I hope she's feeling better soon, if she isn't already. You're a good dad!

  10. Could be a number of things.  Heat, food, exhaustion, or a combination of all.

    Keep an eye on her temperature and keep her hydrated - bed rest.  Grated apple is good for nausea.

    Don't feed her ice cream when she is feeling ill.

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