
My kid can open my fridge lock, help?

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I can't keep my 3 year old son can open the standard child lock from walmart on the fridge where can I get something that is more efficient? Like a key or combination lock.




  1. You could tell your kid not to get into it, and when he disobeys present him with consequences.

    Just a thought. He's going to need to learn to respect your authority eventually.

  2. have you tried the likes that are on the top of the doors.  They attach to the door and the top of the frig.  You have to hold a button down while you open the door.  It is great to keep kids out, but let adults know that they are there.  If an adult pulls to hard they will trip the sticky pads that hold them on.  We have them on ours and it keeps my kids out.  Besides I know that even if they learn how to use it they still with not be able to reach it for a while.  THe lokcs are sold at target, babies r us, and walmart.

  3. there are definitely higher quality and different types of fridge and cabinet locks out there, but i've never had a fridge lock. my 3 year old has his own shelf in the fridge where his stuff is (juice boxes, applesauce, and fruit) so he can get what he wants and come ask. i havent had any problems with him climbing in (but we don't have huge shelves and there aren't big empty spaces for him to get in...). i know safety is always a concern, but definitely teach him not to touch the fridge or teach him to ask first. you can't keep everything out of reach at all times. plus, he's male so just by putting a lock/gadget on something - it gives him a reason to try to open it :)

  4. My children always asked for a drink or snack when they were growing up so I never had to lock my refrigerator up.  Hopefully you give him snacks throughout the day and he's not getting in there because he's hungry.  You need to teach him to ask for snacks.  When he's getting into the fridge you just need to ask him what he needs and "help" him get it.  You then need to remind him that he needs to ask for a snack.  If you think he's just getting in there because it's fun and he's bored, then you need to give him things to do and play with him.

  5. that sounds like my 4 year old daughter...I had to change the locks on the door because she is so fast sometimes!! I have been in the kitchen before and came back out in the living room and she was outside...i have to keep all doors locked at times!!

  6. Maybe the way you discipline him needs to change. I dont know you but I do know that alot of parents who say their discipline isnt working is often because they dont follow through. This may not apply to you but just in case....there needs to be some sort of bad thing that will happen if he continually disobeys you...such as sitting in a corner for 5 minutes or sitting in a room with no toys or tv. This needs to happen consistently and not just every other time or he will see that you have a soft spot and dont really mean it when you discipline him. You shouldnt have to get a better lock, its all about how you discipline him. 3 year olds are precocious but you are the parent and shouldnt have to put a lock on the fridge, just stick with your discipline and if you are consistent every time he will stop the behaviour in a very short time. Also, is he hungry? Maybe he's not eating the right foods and he needs something in his diet to stop him from going to the fridge. Check that out too. (Im not talking about him needing bad snacks but healthy food) That too could be the issue.

  7. Im sorry but I cant help you but I know how frustrated you feel

    when my sister was young she used to be able to open the child proof medication bottle caps


  8. when you figure it out let me know!!!!  my 2 year old ripped the one from Walamrt off  the fridge and she gets into it constantly...I've given up trying to keep her out of it I just go watch what she pulls out  to make sure its something she can have or hold.

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