
My kid has ADHD and is so disrespectful. Can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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Well just because he has adhd...... some people use that as an excuse because they are impulsive...... I dont like to spank my kids. But he is seven and talks back, makes fun of people on tv or my friends or even my freinds kids if he doesnt like them. He mostly gets along is nice to adults and kids.... but if he doesnt like u or it's me and his dad, he 's so uncontrollable. He doesn't listen. When i am telling him NO ......he just keeps asking or yells back at me and says stop yelling at me when i wasn't....... or he makes some irrating noise while i am displining him cause he doesnt want to hear me....

how do i make him listen? The medicine is helping a little, but he still needs work.

I dont want him to get bigger and become a drug dealing, stealing, thug! or beat women....... and i keep picturing him being like this instead of the astronaut or teacher he says he wants to be sometimes.

would putting in taekwando or baseball help?




  1. Ya need to throw the fear of god into him before it gets too late, sis. Weather that be yellin or whoopin, or just takin away stuff he likes when he's bad. Dont let it get to the point to where he's the head of the house...

  2. I am a african american mother and although most of you dont believe in spanking him on the behind and sitting his azz down somewhere and then daring him to get back up will not work...Listen here. I have to ADHD children in my household. My 4 year old and his 12 year old brother. There is no such thing as making fun of other people or using MEDICATION to calm a child down. Unless there is no other options. Girl sometimes you have to do what you have to do and if you dont believe in a good old fashion spanking. Take everything, I mean everything that he enjoy. t.v, video games, outside, leave him with nothing but a book and his bed, no phone, no nothing. You want him to become something more then a mere thug. Do as I tell you oh and I hope you do know the long term affects of ridlin (medication, for adhd) or  Methyln...These two drugs is called Kiddie cocaine. Please look it up and get some more understanding. Also  maybe he also may have to much time on his hands. put him in sports, everysport out there if you have to afterschool programs, youth center programs, things to keep him busy...Do not put him in taekwando, he sound like a child that will use it on his classmates when he gets angry.

  3. well ive been training martial arts for like 4 years or so. and i can tell you that if he has listening problems, that its not the place for him.  unless he WANTS to do it, it will not help.

    but you are right to want to find an outlet for his energy.  maybe ask him what sport HE wants him to do, let it be HIS choice and let him know he must stick with it.  

  4. Yes a martial arts program would be a big help.  So would cutting down on caffeine, candy, sugar and even some red food dyes cause children to be hyper.  They become so wound up on sugar/caffeine they run out of control. They act out.  Refuse to listen.  Sugar has almost the same chemical makeup as herion, with only one difference.  When a person doesn't have sugar/caffeine they do indeed go thru withdrawals, become angry, agitated. Starchy foods contains sugars. A change in your childs diet will do more good than the medicine. How are your child's grades?  There is a Astronaut program already in place for children.  More math is needed.  Go to NASA web page for more info...

  5. well maybe your not a good mom no afense

    and rising his levels

    i mean on here you call your self "cutie" um

    hello,maybe try your name that sounds like a

    teenage girl who wants attention

    obvioulsy,your kid needs help YOU HAVE

    TO MAKE PUNISHMENTS. when your kid

    is doing that and your just saying

    fyi take him by his hand and bring him to

    his room. set up a point system he gets a point

    for being good and them taken away if he's bad.

    when he gets five points,he gets a toy.


  6. As a parent of a child with ADHD it is up to you to research and learn how to cope and deal with a child with this disorder.  This isn't something he can control and quite obviously you expect him to.  I suggest you speak with his Peditrician and ask for more information for your own education.

  7. Been there and done that, Mom.  I KNOW exactly what that's like.

    Your son is still very young, and most boys are impulsive at that age ... not just the ADHD kids ... although ADHD certainly does intensify it.

    An organized activity such as TaeKwonDo (or swimming or another individual sport) might be very good for him.  However, at his age, a team sport or any competitive sport would only frustrate him more.

    Second, since I see he's already on meds (and you're not opposed to ADHD medication, thankfully!), talk to his doctor.  He may need to have his dosage increased, or he may need to switch to a different medication.  Not all of them work equally well for all kids, and it can take some tweaking and patience to get it right.

    Are his teacher and other school personnel aware that your son has ADHD?  If not, you should make a point to talk to them early in the year.  I do agree that an ADHD diagnosis should never be used as an excuse for a kid to get away with everything, but if he has problems in school, you'll want to know about it before it becomes a BIG problem.  Ask the teacher to call you with any concerns he/she may have about your son's behavior or difficulty in class.  

    It does take a lot of patience to raise an ADHD kid ... mine just turned 13.  Sometimes he still frustrates me no end.  But, maturity is a factor, too.  Your son WILL learn to manage his condition better as he gets older, but for now, a lot of it is up to you.  

    One thing you can do is give him some control over small, everyday aspects of his life.  Offer him choices when you can ... for example, instead of telling him to go put his blue shirt on, set out his blue shirt and his red shirt ... and let him choose.

    As far as the oppositional behavior, the saying "NO" all the time ... they do excel at that, don't they!  But most kids do.  He's a little old for a timeout chair, but a tactic that I've found works is simply to turn my back and ignore him.  I give one warning ... "I'm not listening until you calm down/ask politely/remember your manners, etc." ... and then just ignore him.

    Sorry for the overly long answer!

    But please, first talk to your son's doctor to see about the medication.  Then, talk to a school counselor (or ask the pediatrician to recommend a child psychologist), if you wish, to talk about behavior-management strategies.

    Best of Luck.

  8. spank his butt.

    spanking is not child abuse.  it does not give your child a complex, nor does it ruin their personality.  it does not turn them into a robber, murderer, child abuser, hater, etc.  neither does it make your child afraid of you.

    you are not doing the right disciplining or else it would be working.

    i am a supporter of spanking as discipline.  it is NOT abuse.  i'm sure i'll get thumbs down for that one, but oh well.

    good luck because if you don't start to discipline him the right way NOW, you never will and he'll end up being a terror.

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