
My kid is scared of neediles and she is getting a shot?

by Guest66184  |  earlier

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My kid is scared of neediles and she is getting a shot?




  1. soo am i! i hate them!

    honestly, tell her that the sooner she gets it over with the better.

    try not to let her get all worked up about it, that just makes it 10x worse.

    while she is getting the shot, distract her. like surprise her but bringing along her favorite stuffed animal (depending on her age).

    **i really hope this helped!

  2. I'm 25 and I had to get blood drawn today and I still get scared!  

    Tell her to look away from the needle, and stare at something in the room and it will all be over soon.  That'll just hurt for a minute.

  3. Remind her everyone is scared at first, that the pain won't last long, that the nurses know what they are doing, give her something to squeeze with her hands, give her a treat afterwards for being so brave

  4. Its a part of life...and frankly, a good part.  Without innoculations, we - as a race - would probably be extinct by now...

    To make a big deal out of it won't be of any use to her now or later.  So, simply let her know the importance of it, and the fact that she is getting the needle means she is becoming a big girl...

  5. I'm scared of needles too, and still am, I refuse to get shots, but sometimes when life gives you something, you just have to except it.

    Tell her it doesnt hurt, its just a tony pinch and all done!

  6. Do you know what's in those shots, really? I would be scared too!

  7. Let me guess you don't want her to be scared. Well one thing I used to try while I was getting shots was I kept repeating the word "peanut butter" out loud. I don't know why but my friends told me that and it helped. If that doesn't work for your daughter try keeping her occupied ( like talking to her while she gets the shot if she's old enough or just play with her ). But if you keep her busy while she gets the shot she won't even pay much attention, let alone maybe even got when the doctor says he's done.



  8. I was terrified of needles as a kid too.  I always had to sit on someones lap to get my shots!  How old is your child?  A sucker is always nice and just try to occupy her while she is getting the needle.  Shes gonna cry either way but it has to be done and it will be over with fast.  Make sure shes wearing clothes that make her arm easy to get at so your not spending "crying" time undressing her arm.  Get it done and over with as fast as possible and then take her out for an ice cream!!

  9. Well I don't really know how to help your kid seeing as paranoid as I am about kidnappers and burglars I am in no way afraid of needles. They don't hurt me one bit. I've never been afraid. All I can say is don't make her look at the needle. Because from what I see looking at the needle can cause you to think it's scarier than it actually is.

    If you can distract her when they put the shot in. Make some funny faces or just talk to her and when they give the shot it'll be done and over with.

    I hope my advice might work and I wish the best luck for your daughter.


  10. I used to be afraid of needles too, let her take her favorite stuffed animal with her to hold on her lap. You can also reward her, my parents always got me an icee after a shot.

  11. I am 22 and I am scared also. I have to get my blood drawn Friday. Does she know what scares her? I figured out if I keep talking I don't even notice and I don't feel it.

  12. try to get her to be distracted so she isnt focussing on the shot. also dont make a huge deal about it or get overly emotional. finally, make sure her muscles are relaxed and not tense, it hurts less if you are calm and not tightening up.

  13. Don't let her see the needle if possible. (let the nurse know)  It's usually over faster than they realize. This is one of the few situations where I recommend bribery.  "Be brave and after your shot we'll get ice cream", then follow thru.  Good luck

  14. This might sound bad, but promise her something. A reward of sorts for when the ordeal is over.

  15. i am the same way...i am afraid of needles also..all she needs to do is not think about it..and have the doctor tell her when they are going to do it...then have her look away, take a deep breathe, and count to works for me.

  16. ooohh, me too. Ahahha, and i had to have an appendectomy. I got so scared when they tried to put the IV in. Although I probably am older than your kid. Hold her hand, give her something she likes to do during the sho, like read, or gameboy or ipod. The doctor will make it as painless as possible anyway and the other stuff might distract her.

  17. Tell them that its ok. I'm scared of needles too! Tell her its all for her health and maybe get her McDonalds or ice-cream or take her shopping or to the movies after the shot is over. Also, the needle doesn't hurt as much if you laugh while U get the shot. So maybe say something funny right as the needle is going into her arm.

  18. you kid is normal

  19. I used to be scared of them. But I am seizures so I adapted real quick. It really isn't all that bad, just be there with her let her hold your hand and she can squeeze your hand if it hurts. Don't let her watch the nurse have her look away or she will be anticipating the pain...the nurse will tell her she will feel a prick right before she inserts the needle. Assure her everything will be ok and that it won't take long. If she is young tell her what a big girl she is afterwards and maybe get her an ice cream or something if she is older don't do this cause she will say "mom, stop treating me like a kid!" Hope this helps.

  20. be there and while she is getting the shot be hugging her and telling her its going 2 be ok

  21. try to distract her away from the needle. do anything it takes to distract her

  22. i was like that when i was a kid try to distract her during the shot make her look away and tell her its going to be ok

  23. Try telling her to clinch her fist and look away because that's what I do and it really helps.

  24. Tell her to close her eyes and don't tell her she is getting a shot tell her to dream of happy thoughts then get the doc to be quite then give her the shot.

  25. I'm 16 and afraid of needles..Just tell her to close her eyes or you go in with her and talk to her until the shot is over with. Helps with me.

  26. I am 11 and deafly afraid of needles but I hold my mom and hig her tight and sit their and cry in her arms then when I am done I get over it!!

  27. tell her to not look at the needle and to look at you, take a deep breath and to think of it as a little pinch.  also tell her to  relax and that it only takes 2 seconds and that the docter is using what they call a butterfly needle and that it is even smaller then the width of an ant.     remember to not let her see the needle!  make sure she looks at you the whole time and you have too keep your face relaxed and confident.  hope this helps :)

  28. Just talk her through it. Distract her attention from what the doctor is doing. Keep her focused on you, that way the shot will be over before she knows it.

  29. Most kids are.  They don't want to get one likes it!

    Make sure you let her know that she doesn't have a choice whether to get the shot or not.  She does, however, have the choice as to which arm or leg she chooses to receive it.  This will show her that she still has SOME control over the situation.

    I am sure you will be there when she gets the shot done.  Have her sit on your lap and turn her head in the direction of you and talk to her to distract her while it is getting done.  No need to lie to her, as it will hurt when it happens.  Promote the good parts that it will be over before she knows it, it is to keep her healthy, etc.  

    If you are able to give her some ibuprofin or tylenol about 30 minutes beforehand, it will help lessen some of the pain.  You can also ice the area by bringing an ice pack with you and putting it on there for a few minutes before she gets it done.  It will desensitize the local area of the shot and will be less painful.

    Remind her how brave she is and that the doctor's office usually has prize rewards for getting them done.

    My daughter is 6 1/2 and was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a little over a year ago.  She had no choice but to deal with the needle sticks because for the first year she had at least 4 injections a day.  It helped her to have the control over where she got the shots and when she was distracted or holding someone's hand.  

    While it is an unpleasant experience, it is something we all have to endure at some point in time.  The more confident and brave YOU are, the more she will be as well.

    Good luck & hope this helps!

  30. shove that thing in there wether she likes it or not, i do it to my wife all the time

  31. Shes gonna have to get through it. I was scared of needles and I screamed when I got my first shot. Just comfort her or distract her when she gets the shot.

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