
My kid is unhappy with her life?

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My 6 year old girl is unhappy with her life. I noticed it for awhile now, today I asked her. She said she have a sad life. This is a 6 year old! Should I be concerned?! She's the only child. Her reasons for having a sad life- no brothers or sisters, no friends to play with at home and sometimes even at school. She's feeling very lonely. Her dad and I aren't together. But when he does pick her up on the weekends he usually take her to fun places. I don't take her to places much. So I asked her if she wanted to live with her dad instead, she kinda answered no... but I think she wasn't sure herself. She haven't eat much lately. Always wanted to just sit and watch TV. Should I get professional help?




  1. She is too young to be depressed! You need to be more proactive as a parent. It sounds like she desperately needs some kids her own age to play with. Why not enrol her in a sport or dance classes or gymnastics? Or make playdates with other kids her age. Take her to indoor play centres or even to the park. You need to help her to gain confidence and social skills by mixing with other kids.

    She's probably been affected a lot more than you think by the split from her dad too. Also talk to her and make sure nothing else has happened to her recently that could cause her to be so sad.

    If you don't do much with her and let her watch TV all the time, things won't improve and you'll need to take her to a shrink.

  2. I wouldn't get professional help immediately. YOU try & change how she feels first. Sit her down and ask her what's wrong, and what she wants to change. You mentioned she says she has no friends. See if there is anyone around her age in the neighborhood, or sign her up for some sports (like t ball) in your town, have her join some fun groups in her school. Try and make her happier. Play with her, do things with her, take her out to eat & go fun places when she deserves it.

    Good luck!

  3. She only needs friends her own age. Simply tell her to invite some girls from her class over and let her go to visit her classmates. This is the only problem she has.

  4. Yes i think you should get some help maybe talk to her pediatrician and tell them about your daughter she sounds depressed and hopefully you can work things out

  5. Yes, you should look into professional help

    Also, forget about fun stuff

    Put her on a soccer team or little league.  Have her father and you at some games together, most one will do

    Look into cheer-leading or dance or art

    Something she is with children her own age

    My seven year old, is a very happy child

    She talks about death all the time.  She want to know if people will be said if she dies.  I think this has a lot to do with her being older enough to understand death.  My husband died when she was two.

    She may be dealing with the two of you together

    Understanding, not brother or sisters

    She wants to be with both of you

    She just may be old enough to start understanding living with you and without her father

  6. i find that even sitting and playing a simple board game with my kids brings a smile to there faces. do a jig saw puzzle with her even if you don't feel like it. she just wants to spend time with you. maybe you should seek help also. you may be depressed because of your split up and not even realize it. maybe that is why you don't feel like doing anything with her. good luck and god bless you.

  7. I'd start with her pediatrician.  He/she can make the determination if this is a passing phase or if more serious intervention is needed.

    Good luck to you!

  8. she probably needs more fun time with you, even going to the local park, river, beach etc just to let her play and have a chance to meet kids her age. feeding the birds or ducks etc is free and it is time out of the house. she might not be having a good time at school, she might also just be missing her dad. all the best but if she becomes more withdrawn i would seek professional help, she sounds like she is kinda depressed about something. best to sort this out early on instead of when she is older

  9. Counceling wouldn't be a bad idea for anyone who has gone through their parents seperation.

    However it sounds as though your daughter also needs to make some friends. You should enroll her in sometime of activity. Pick out a few things that will work with your schedule, if it has to be a weekend thing because of your work schedule talk to her father about what will also work for him. Then give her the choice between 1 or two activities. Make it mandatory that she takes one of the classes. At first it is totally normal for her to not want to participate but give it a little time and I am sure she will enjoy it.

    My hubby and I are together and we have a 6 year old as well. We have tried multiple activies with our daughter because she kept complaining she was bored and had no friends. We finally found an activity that she loves ( it took about 3 tries and different things) and she has found very nice friends on this team. I am assuming she is in kindergarten or first grade. Ask her if there as anyone she would like to have come over and play with. Call up the parent and schedule a playdate. she is at the perfect age to start having friends over and it is a good social skill she will need in the future. If she says there is no one, dont give up, say "aw come on there has to be one person you would like to get to know better and play with." It may be that she is just to shy and afraid to reach out.

    Also, limit the tv time, get some crafts from the store and when she wants to watch tv take out a craft and suggest that the two of you work on something together. The tv is her crutch for being bored which isnt physically or mentally healthy. You dont nessesarily have to take her fun places either, but just doing stuff with her when she cant have a friend over may help her not feel so lonely.

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