
My kid of 2 years accidently hit me with his head on my lip and i start bleeding alot...?

by  |  earlier

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This was yesterday in the afternoon and i don't want to go to the hospital or to the doctor, so i just put some ice on my lip and some neosporin and i can't eat or drink nothing, because the cut it's like half inch, and my husband was there he got scared because i start bleeding alot, he help me to clean the carpet, and what should i do?, please help me, because i don't want to go outside, i'm afraid that people think bad of my husband, when he doesn't do that to me. Thank you for your help.




  1. What is your question exactly?

    If you're worried people will think poorly of you or your husband because of the cut, try to think positive.  I know it's easy to get self-concious thinking of how other people judge you or your family, but just remember that it's only temporary and if people DO judge you, they are being rude and it's not your fault.  Plus, you have the truth on your side -- if anyone should question the cut you can explain that it was an accident.  Anyone with children will understand that.

    Now, if you're worried about the cut itself it sounds like you're doing fine.  Depending on how deep it is it could take quite a while to heal, especially because the mouth is used so frequently and is often wet, which hinders the healing process.  Just be patient and be careful with the area.  If it gets worse, doesn't appear to be healing at all, or shows signs of infections you should seek professional help immediately, but otherwise it should clear up in a week or so.  Good luck.

  2. Don't be afraid to go out, if they ask about it say your kid cut your lip (which is no lie) and say," Oh sorry if my lip isn't that great, but my son/daughter ran into me." if they don't ask. Also, my lip cracks and it bleeds a lot, so just put chapstick on it or something and ice and just don' worry about what other people think.

  3. where a long skirt or something and go to the doctors... cuts can be a serious threat.

  4. Your lip is a very tender part of your face & w/bleed easily.  If you didn't go get stitches in it yesterday & it needed them, it's a bit late for that now.  Just put ice on it, 20 min. on, 20 min. off.  Try not to let warm foods etc. touch it.  You also could rinse it w/warm salt water.  Yes, salt water.  Salt is VERY healing & wouldn't hurt if you maybe took some cotton dabbed it in the salt water a few times a day.  This honestly w/aid in the healing.  When you have a tooth pulled, the dentist tells you to rinse in salt water rite?  Well the same applies for this.  I think this too w/help it heal much faster also.  Best to you...:)

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